Chapter 10: Booty Call

The next few days passed rather uneventful for Brianna. She spent a lot of time with her mother, who had decided she had had enough of refurbishing her home, and had moved back in. Despite this, Brianna stayed at Kevin's, enjoying his company. Kevin, on the other hand, even though he acted as though it was a terrible chore having Brie stay with him, found her distraction from his break with Miriam very good for him. She was always around, and he was never lonely.

He taught her how to golf. Brianna was not a patient person, and all of his assurances that she would get better with time, had her almost seething. When she managed to get stuck in a sand trap for the fifth time on one hole, she almost strangled Kevin with his golf club as he kept offering suggestions that were meant to help her. She eventually found her revenge when she "accidentally" pushed him into the water hazard.

Nick and Laurel had been gone for four days, when Brianna finally managed to obtain a rental car. Thrilled with her new-found, non-taxi related freedom, she celebrated by visiting her mother.

"Brie, we need to find you a man," her mother declared as she entered the housed.

"Mother, we need to find you a man," Brianna said back as she flopped down on the couch next to Diane.

"No, seriously, dear, you haven't been with anyone since Jesse, and that was about a year ago. Aunt Janice knows a fine young man, and I think you should come to dinner with me at her house tomorrow night," Diane smiled.

"I can't, I have plans with Kevin," Brianna lied, hoping that Diane would buy it. Janice was always finding the perfect person for Brie, but they were always too boring, and had no clue how to deal with Brianna's free spirit.

"Kevin, Kevin, Kevin. All you do lately is spend time with Kevin. I thought you hated that man?" Diane asked, baiting Brianna.

"I don't hate him. He's probably the most annoying person I've ever met, though. He seems to think that I have no common sense and that I am not responsible. But then I kicked his ass on the golf course," Brianna stated proudly.

"Since when do you play golf?" Diane asked, surprised.

"Yesterday. I got well over a hundred, and according to Kevin, that's the highest score he's ever seen on the course," she smiled.

"You are supposed to get the lowest score possible, Brie, you know that right?" Diane asked.

"Who plays by the rules?"

"Why won't you come tonight?"

"Because I don't want to. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Nick should be home in a few days. The three of us can get together then, okay?" Brianna said, making a hasty escape.

"Brie, if you weren't my daughter, I'd have you committed to an insane asylum," she said as Brianna tried to get out the door.

"If you weren't my mother, I would need to be committed," she called happily, coming back to kiss her mom on the cheek, and then she breezed out of the house. She cranked the music as loud as possible as she flew down the freeway. She was in an ecstatic mood, she was just overwhelmingly happy at that moment in time.

After she arrived back at Kevin's, she parked her car in the driveway, jogged up the porch, threw open the door, and was attacked by her excited puppy.

"Kevin!! I need to hide from my mother so she can't hook me up with scary, rich bachelors!" she hollered, as she began to play with Sienna. She was throwing a disgusting, soggy tennis ball down the corridor when Kevin walked into the foyer, and witnessed the whole scene with a pained look on his face.

"That thing is staining my carpet," he whined.

"It builds character," Brianna answered quickly, and smiled smugly up at him.

"Why do you have to hide from your mother again?" he asked, a little baffled.

"She's trying to marry me off to boring, scary bachelors," she stated.

"And is that a bad thing?" he asked.

"Oh, you are a jerk today! Of course it's a bad thing, I'd fall asleep walking down the aisle," she laughed.

"That would be funny," Kevin stated seriously.

"Okay, Mr. Serious, that's it. Call your Boys, we need to get you drunk or something. You've been Mr. Serious-And-Responsible-Golfing-Is-Fun all week, and frankly, I'm sick of it. Call them all up, because if I spend another minute here with you like this, I'll have to kill…your cat," she floundered around for a suitable threat.

"Your dog has already tried," Kevin growled.

"Call!" she demanded, and then jaunted up the stairs to her room.

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