Chapter 11: In Every Man

"So, Brie, what's the occasion for this wonderful get-together?" AJ asked, later that evening.

"Kevin played seven rounds of golf this week, and I was just making sure that the premature aging thing doesn't run in the group," Brianna called from in the kitchen.

"Seven? Man, when did you turn seventy-five and retire?" AJ asked.

"Shut up. I enjoy golfing, there's nothing old and boring about it, it's just a silly attitude that you have adopted due to social stereotyping," Kevin protested seriously.

"You realize that there is only one solution to this problem," Brian said, sadly, shaking his head.

"Jello-eating contest," Brianna stated from the kitchen, entering with a large tray filled with all shapes and colors of jello moulds.

"You all remember the rules, I presume?" she asked, amid snickers.

"You are going to make a mess in my home, Brie. Then I'll have to kill you," Kevin warned.

"Stop being Mr. Molly Maid, and come and have some Jello. Losers gets a pie in the face," she yelled, handing a plate to each of the guests.

* * * *

"Brianna, you realize that I'm never going to forgive you for this. I had whipped cream all over my face. You took pictures," Kevin said stonily, as they cleaned up some of the mess left over from the little get together.

"That's only because you lost. You should have stopped being Mr. Responsible and Boring, and joined in sooner. It's your own fault, you cannot deny that," Brianna said with a smile. Kevin stopped still for a second and did a double take.

"So I'm boring, now am I?" he asked. Brianna contemplated that for a minute.

"No, you're not boring, otherwise I wouldn't be here still. You are just too predictable. You have routine that you follow day in, day out, no matter what may happen. You need to live outside the box for awhile. Be spontaneous, do something stupid, just to say you did," Brianna advised.

"Brie, you have that luxury, my dear. I don't. I do something stupid, and everyone hears about it the next day," Kevin answered.

"That's a part of your problem, Kevin. You are always thinking consequences, and consequences, while they are important, are too easy to get caught up in."

"But Brie.."

"Enough wallowing is self-pity, Mr. Richardson. I've been watching you, you know. And while you think that I am asleep, I do see you out on that deck, feeling sorry for yourself because you got dumped. I'm here to tell ya that it happens, and there is nothing you can do about it, so stop living in the past, stop thinking about the future, and just live in the goddamned moment, okay?" Brianna said. She looked around with a sly grin, and grabbed an unused can of whipped cream and made her attack. Kevin yelped, and without delay found the remnants of the pie that had been in his face, and retaliated.

Amid screams and yelps, they chased each other all over the house, laughing at the sight of each other. When the whipped cream ran out, Brie collapsed on the floor, gasping for breath, laughing harder than ever. Kevin, seeing that the war had been ended, joined her, and they caught their breath, and sat in silence.

"You're a good person to have around, Brianna. Seriously, I don't think that you are human at all, because you just don't seem to feel down at all. Do you feel guilt?" he asked, slightly amazed about what this crazy girl had just caused him to do.

"You'd be surprised. I am definitely human, Kevin, no worries about that one," she sighed.

"Maybe you are too human. That could be the problem," he hypothesized, just as the phone rang. Bouncing up effortlessly, her never-ending supply of energy in full use, Brianna raced for the phone, picked it up and leaned against the counter. The phone was cradled against her ear, as she used one hand to try and wipe whipped cream off her face, and the other played with the phone cord.

"Yes, this is Brianna Jones," she said, her entire stature becoming more serious as her tone of voice changed completely. Kevin stood up and leaned against the doorframe, watching her carefully.

"Oh my god," she suddenly gasped. Kevin walked towards her, her hand reaching out and grabbing his as soon as she saw him approaching her.

"We'll be right there," she said, quickly ending the conversation.

"What's wrong?" Kevin asked, as soon as he felt it was relatively safe. Brianna had taken off down the hall, in search of her purse and car keys. He followed her around the corner as she frantically tried to find her shoes.

"I can't find my keys!" she shouted, slipping on one shoe as she found it and continuing her frantic search.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to go and I can't find my keys," she said again. Kevin caught her arm, and tried to meet her eyes. She wouldn't look at him.

"I'll take you where you need to go, as long as you tell me what's wrong," Kevin said slowly. Brianna seemed to snap out of the shock that whatever had been said in that conversation had brought on.

"It's my mom. She was in a car accident."

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