Chapter 16: Black Eyes and Wedding Plans

If looks could kill, he'd have been dead and buried by now. Jillian was shooting horrible looks at him, Brian (as soon as he recovered from the shock of the k.o. punch) was getting ready to begin a giant tirade, and he was just avoiding looking at Brianna, for he was sure that only certain death would await him at that end.

"Your eye is going to be completely swollen for a couple days," Jillian said calmly, with yet another glare in Kevin's direction, as she gently pressed an eye pack to the bruised eye.

"Wonderful. I get to be the best man at the wedding, looking like I just came from a bar-fight. That'll look beautiful in the papers. Wonder what they'll come up with to explain that one," Brian speculated.

"Brianna, you are scaring me. Why aren't you saying anything?" Jillian asked, turning to look at her. She'd heard enough about the tempestuous redhead to know that this was out of character for her.

"I figured that enough innocent people got hurt today, I'll just wait to get him alone before I begin," she said coldly.

"Brie, it's for your own good!" Kevin protested, throwing his hands up in the air.

"I think I'm the person to decide that! You know what he said, you know what happened! You are being completely selfish, Kevin," she declared. Kevin stared at her for a second.

"I guess I have everything backwards then. I must have been completely confused, because you are absolutely right. I am definitely being the selfish person. I listened to you whine for almost a month about the situation with your best friend, I let you stay with me, I tolerated all the bullshit that you pulled, I was there when your mother died, I'm trying to get you to see that if you don't go to the wedding, you'll regret it forever, that is, if you ever grow up. Because when you do grow up, you'll realize that you are mad at your best friend because you were grieving for your mother when he was happy that his girlfriend helped to give a reason to her death, to make it seem less empty. I am definitely completely selfish, and I thank you for pointing that out to me, Brianna," Kevin raged. He stopped for a second, taking in Brianna's face, that had suddenly gone pale. He shook his head, and started to leave the room.

"If you decide to grow up, Brie, the rehearsal's tomorrow, at three," he said, as he walked away.

"Shit, Brie. This is a fine state of things. I have a black eye, Kevin just pulled the biggest hissy fit I've ever seen in my life from that man, you are ready to commit murder, and Nick's talking about eloping, just because you may or may not show up at the wedding," Brian said, with a slight smile.

"I hate that man! He doesn't understand, I knew he wouldn't. He just can't see what it would be like to be in that position. He can't know what that's like!" Brianna cried.

"You're right, you know. He doesn't know what that's like, he only lost a parent to cancer. There's no meaning in that, no sacrifice. If you'll excuse me, I have to go, I'm late for my shift," Jillian said, nodding at Brian as she gathered her things, avoiding Brie's eyes.

"Where does she work?" Brie asked.

"She's an intern in the oncology ward at a hospital nearby," Brian answered.

"Shit," Brianna sighed.

"Yeah. That was harsh. She has a point, though."

"Brian, what's wrong with me? I always push away the people that I'm closest to. Why do I keep doing that?" Brie sighed.

"You don't listen hard enough. You're not very perceptive to things. I mean, Kevin understood what Nick meant. To you, it had a different meaning. You need to be less ignorant to other people's feelings, Brie."

"Wow, now I'm ignorant and selfish. I'm reaching whole new lows today," Brianna laughed bitterly.

"Listen, Brie. That's all I'm saying…. So where you staying?" Brian asked, out of the blue.

"Well, I hadn't really made any plans, being abducted kind of hinders long-range planning. I don't have anything in the way of money, clothing or cellular with me. It was kind of rude of Kevin to kid-nap me without having a backup as to my lodgings, now wasn't it?" Brianna seethed.

"He probably thought you'd stay at his house. You practically lived with him for over a month, you know," Brian stated. Brianna was getting the obvious hint that he was implying, but chose to ignore it.

"Why does everyone keep saying that? Kevin and I got along so horribly that I don't think we're fit to even live in the same town as each other, hence why I prefer Miami. And trust me, while I was his guest, there was no living in that!" she cried.

"So, what are you going to do?" Brian asked.

"Do me a favor?"

"Yeah, sure…Just as long as you promise to keep that right hook far away from me…"

"Can I borrow your car?"

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