Chapter 9: Back Together Again

"Nick, now that we are here, I must ask, how did you get rid of the girlfriend, long enough to get out of the house?" Brianna asked, her eyes laughing.

"Didn't have to get rid of her. She suggested it, you know. She doesn't think that we are spending enough time together, especially now that we are taking off for a few days," Nick explained seriously, not catching that she was joking. Brianna suddenly lost her humor as she heard his last words.

"You are going away? Where? For how long?" she asked, frowning.

"I'm taking Laurie to Cancun for a week or so. We got a phone call, letting us know that she has been bumped up on the waiting list. She'll be having her operation soon, so I thought that maybe some time away from everything, just the two of us would be just what she needs," Nick explained. Brianna stared, unblinking, at him.

"Nick. You promised you'd stay in the country if I can to see you," she exploded.

"And I have! You didn't come just to see me, did you? Because you said that you already had plans, to see your mom. You haven't really been spending much time with her, have you!" Nick fired back.

"It doesn't matter. I'm staying with one of your best friends, as a favor to you! You'd think that maybe you might stick around while I'm here, instead of just dumping me repeatedly on Kevin," Brianna protested.v

"He's your friend, too."

"When did he become my best friend?" Brianna asked seriously, staring across the table.

"What is your problem? I won't be gone that long. And if you don't mind my saying so, I'm glad to be getting away from you. You are not the person that I've known forever. You are acting like…almost like you are jealous of Laurie."

"Maybe if you didn't treat me like I'm not important, then maybe I wouldn't be acting like this!"

"I'm not treating you any differently that I normally have, Brie. The only difference is the fact that I have different priorities right now. Face it, Brie, I grew up, and you haven't."

"If growing up means forgetting your past, forgetting past friendships, then I hope I never do. You've treated me like crap these past few days. Thank god you are leaving!" she yelled, standing up and storming away from the table. Nick sighed, and after a few seconds, threw money down on the table, and ran after her.

She was already outside when he caught up with her.

"Why did you come down here, really?" he demanded.

"Fuck off, Nick. Enjoy Mexico." She didn't turn around.

"Brie, please. Don't do this. Talk to me, you've never been afraid to talk to me," Nick cried. With that, she spun around.

"I'm not afraid to talk to you. Do you want to know what I'm afraid of? I want to make sure that you really want to know, otherwise I'm not going to tell you."

"I want to know."

"The reason I came down here was because I was afraid of losing you. And then, with the way things have been going this week, I know I have. And it's a little hard, forgetting everything in the past, knowing that it will never be the same again," she explained softly.

"Brie, you are like a sister to me. Nothing can ever change that," he promised, reaching out to take her hand. She pulled away.

"But you don't need me anymore! And I can't stand that!" she cried.

"Brianna, do you honestly think that? I am going crazy here! If anything goes wrong during that operation, I could lose Laurel! I am terrified, and the reason I called you, in the first place, is because I need you. You are the only person I know who can keep me from completely freaking. I need you, Brie," he repeated. Brianna looked down, feeling a great weight lifted off her shoulders.

"You haven't been acting like it," she said, shrugging a bit.

"I'm the first to admit it, Laurie takes me over completely. And I know that I've been occupied by her too much lately, but I can't help it, Brie. She's my whole world, and I might loose her soon," he said.

"Nick, why didn't you talk to me?" Brianna asked, finally breaking. She gathered him into her arms, and gave him a giant hug.

"I didn't know what to say, Brie," he whispered.

"I'm sorry I freaked. But you know me, and I overreact. So, you think Kevin won't mind me staying while you aren't around?" she asked.

"If he does, I'll guilt him into it somehow. You should be able to get a hotel soon enough, anyway. I just don't know what you're going to do with Sienna," Nick laughed.

"Hmm…I'll have to think about that," she laughed, pushing Nick playfully.

* * * *

"You seem happy, Brie. Dinner went well?" Kevin asked.

"Fabulous. I have my best friend back. Even though he is leaving me," Brianna answered, as she breezed into the house. Kevin was sitting at his piano, and had barely looked up when she came in.

"Got over the selfish issues?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He needs me, he said it himself. So I'm not being replaced, like I thought I was. He's just so concerned about Laurie, that it's drawn all of his focus," Brianna explained. Kevin looked at her thoughtfully for a few minutes, and then looked back down at the keys of his piano.

"What?" Brianna asked.

"Didn't I tell you that yesterday?" Kevin asked.

"Just because it was the same, doesn't mean it isn't different," Brianna said simply, and then waltzed out of the room.

"Does this mean you are going to find a hotel?" he called after her.

"Does this mean you are offering to pet sit Sienna while I stay in a hotel?" she called over her shoulder.

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