Welcome to my Guestbook!

Tatum - 12/09/00 09:39:09
My URL:http://xxgroovytripxx.tripod.com/JustAnotherDumbPage/
My Email:magic_glitter_trip@hotmail.com
squirrel lover or hater?: LOVER!!!

Alright your probally wondering why someone like me would come to a site like this, right?? Well, I was looking up psychedelic things. SO, I typed in 'psycho' into the search box, and it brought me to this wonderful site. Which is becoming very useful because a good friend of mine is deathfully afraid of small beady eyed creatures, especially squirrels... We once went to the park and he wouldnt get out of the truck because there was a squirrel on the pinic table!!! So, I must say this site is super, I plan to terrify him with it!!!! :P :)

Starla - 12/05/00 14:23:46
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/vertexoflostsouls/main.html
My Email:vertexoflostsouls@yahoo.com
squirrel lover or hater?: lover!!

Squirrel!! I have a squirrel obsession..but not as much as I'm obsessed with the smashing pumpkins..har! Anyway, cool site. :) *Starla*

Mark Boswell - 11/15/00 17:00:15
My URL:http://www.southparked.com
My Email:mark@southparked.com
squirrel lover or hater?: lover

I was here, but now I'm gone. Those who knew me knew me well, those who didn't can go to hell.

not sure - 10/17/00 23:15:25
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/doyle_icp/icp.html
My Email:doyle_icp@yahoo.com
squirrel lover or hater?: squirrel hater

this site is twisted dude thats all im going to say

not sure - 10/17/00 23:15:02
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/doyle_icp/icp.html
My Email:doyle_icp@yahoo.com
squirrel lover or hater?: both

this site is twisted dude thats all im going to say

shannon - 10/11/00 00:13:29
My Email:redangel2005@hotmail.com
squirrel lover or hater?: lover

I never thought I would find such a cool sight! I love it! keep up the great work and keep your laid back funny style

Brickie - 09/26/00 22:35:06
My Email:Brickie1971@Yahoo.Com
squirrel lover or hater?: Love them squirrelly babies!!!!!!!!

I just love this site! My family had a pet squirrel named CHIP that we kept for 6yrs. in a cage my dad built. I even have the original photos taken by our local newspaper around 1969-1970, gotta look at it again. When you get old like me (47), you suffer from CRS!! Anywho, I have a feeder on my tree & I really love my babies! Hate birds!!! They you-know-what all over my car!! Keep this site going forever and always cuz I'll always love my babies!

Squirrel Lover - 09/12/00 22:59:49
My URL:http://mywebpage7.homepage.com
My Email:luv_moo@hotmail.com
squirrel lover or hater?: LOVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey PPLZ! I love your page! It's the greatest squirrel page ever! I love my squirrel horoscope! It's the greatest! I have been a squirrel lover for 16 years now! And well, I just think they are the greatest creatures to walk the earth! I just love ittle squirrelly baby's they are sooo cute!!! Well,Hey to all you other squirrel lovers!

*Jackie* - 08/15/00 15:22:26
My Email:jacqlyn66
squirrel lover or hater?: IM a Lover not a Figher!!~ therefore im a squirrel LOVER<3 haha

HEYYYY Im Jackie and I love Pyscho Squirrels... hehe... um, yeah... im the best alright LOVE YAS BYEEE**~!~!~

Dorothy - 07/07/00 19:38:52
My Email:essildd@auburn.edu
squirrel lover or hater?: lover

I was just looking into squirrels and I stumbled upon this page. It was hilarious! Good job.

G.T. - 06/07/00 20:48:38
My URL:http://gardenhose.tripod.com
My Email:GTcollinz@cs.com
squirrel lover or hater?: Liker

Squirrels are cool, but I wish they were friendlier, like nutty bunnies or something. But I always stop when they run out in front of my car, cuz i'm sure they would do the same for me.

Carolyn - 05/30/00 23:25:26
My URL:no address currently
My Email:Ce5000@aol.com
squirrel lover or hater?: lover

cool site! squirrels are cool. i found this site when i was with a friend looking for squirrel pics. you have everything for my squirrel needs! :)

Nick - 05/09/00 23:26:48
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/limpbizkit234/BlooD.html
My Email:LimpBizkit234@aol.com
squirrel lover or hater?: lover baby yeah

Your site is dope ass and i had a great time on it keep it up and i hope u like my penis

Sara Whiting - 04/28/00 01:40:48
My Email:Sara188745@hotmail.com
squirrel lover or hater?: lover

this is so so cute

Crystal &Jessica - 04/15/00 22:12:15
My Email:Phishtun & Sassij569
squirrel lover or hater?: lovers


Amy - 04/11/00 05:03:10
My Email:chenhuia@singnet.com
squirrel lover or hater?: Lover

Ji!I welcome everyone e-mail to me!

Sarah McCann - 04/07/00 04:25:14
My Email:harry_yep@hotmail.com
squirrel lover or hater?: lover

This is on of the mikiest sites that I have been to!!!

Dave - 04/04/00 00:52:54
My Email:dmartine40@hotmail.com
squirrel lover or hater?: lover

Squirrels are cute!

laura - 04/03/00 18:20:53
My Email:laurab_24@hotmail.com
squirrel lover or hater?: lover


Stephen R. J. Young - 04/03/00 06:55:53
My Email:stevey@idirect.ca
squirrel lover or hater?: LOVER of course!

Congratulations on a informative and hilarious website. I arrived here looking for a picture of a squirrel, for my friend who is affectionately nicknamed Skwyrll ©. I was astonished to witness the great lengths you went to put together such an entertaining site. Congratulations on a very successful website. :-)

VIDEOGENIE *)o(* THE WIZARD - 02/07/00 16:12:12
My URL:http://www.blsvideo.com
My Email:videogenie@aol.com
squirrel lover or hater?: Oh but alas I do love the squirrel

I have enjoyed your page and enjoy turnning your site to others of the great beyond.......Keep up the good work *)O(*bls

becca - 12/28/99 23:37:09
My Email:not tellin' you
squirrel lover or hater?: HATER

squirrels are the most evil creatures on earth and they are bad. they steal bird food from the birds and they taunt us and they made my experience at camp a nightmare. they stole all the food out of my cabin ! they are evil ALL SQUIRRELS DIE!!

leona - 12/01/99 14:18:15
squirrel lover or hater?: lover!!

You need to update Bold and the Bushytailed!!! It's like it's been the same for week's! Your site is nifty!! I'll be back!

alisha hughes - 11/23/99 17:25:35
My Email:alisha3231@yahoo.com
squirrel lover or hater?: both

this is sooooo great! my friends and i always make fun of our band director (who looks very much like a squirrel) and this just adds to the fun. he's going to love this site!!!!!!!!

air7715 - 11/19/99 04:21:42
My URL:http://?????
My Email:air7715@aol.com
squirrel lover or hater?: hater and lover

oh my god this is the best page in the world one of my friends looks like a squirrel and we write songs about him i love this page keep up the good work

Squirrel (An aussie squirrel mind you) - 10/23/99 02:23:16
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/afura-mann
My Email:lucrecia@shinra.org
squirrel lover or hater?: *chitter* I am a squirrel, boy!

This page is so awesome!! I love it! Keep up the good work!! I will be back! *muahaha* And and request? Do more of "The Bold and the Bushytailed" I don't watch soap operas but that was cute!

Samantha Kemplen - 10/20/99 03:37:58
squirrel lover or hater?: I love them!!!!!!

I think your webpage was really good I hope you add more ;)

Kevin - 08/16/99 18:27:15
My URL:http://www.bitchyirishman.ab.ca
My Email:icare@bitchyirishman.ab.ca
squirrel lover or hater?: love them, with a little sprinkle of salt

Just blew in from the psychopaths student's union webpage, what a blast! And your quite the psycho yerself there squirly-girly. Hope to see more of that funny shit in the future...toodles.

Eric Brooks - 08/16/99 06:17:49
My URL:http://www.ericbrooks.com
My Email:ebrooks@epix.net
squirrel lover or hater?: I love 'em now!!!!

Jessica, if I can meet girls that look like you just by loving squirrels...I'm building a home for wayward squirrels as we speak!!!!!

Eric Brooks.com...coming August 23rd 1999...free stuff, graphic design, whining, fun and games

- 07/10/99 00:15:38


there is none

Wes Gates - 04/21/99 21:29:39
My URL:http://www.thegates.com/sfa
My Email:gates@thegates.com
squirrel lover or hater?: Lover!

Please support the campaign to introduce Squirrels to the Australian mainland. Australia NEEDS Squirrels.

Sarah - 04/07/99 14:37:32
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/collegepark/campus/2731/squirrel.html
squirrel lover or hater?: lover

Just browsing through ... love the page! Just started my own squirrel page, it's not quite up to par with this one though!

Jed Clampett - 01/29/99 05:29:49
My Email:Bigbucks@oil.com
squirrel lover or hater?: Love them critters

This site is the greatest thing since the moving picture house burned down in Pixley. Ya know if ya take a squirrel and skin'em, them there pelts make real fancy ear warmers. Cook the meat with some possum fat, taters and greens and ya have some real ta tie vittles. Wheee Doggies!!!

Mom - 01/12/99 01:19:51
My Email:you know

That Trivia thing won'tlet me in. It said www.uproar? What's up with that?

grandpa - 12/24/98 03:23:36
My Email:naarnold@penn.com
squirrel lover or hater?: lover

You surprised me with your new friend. Earl the girl is definitely a squirrel!!!! Keep Earl away from your computer cords or you'll have fried squirrel!

Uncle Horse & Rider - 12/22/98 21:31:27
My Email:kscull@ncentral.com
squirrel lover or hater?: lover - of course

Great page Jess!

gregg - 12/02/98 03:45:01
My URL:http://www.scarysquirrel.org
My Email:scarysquirrel@pinkpig.com
squirrel lover or hater?: guess!

psycho squirrels is the second best skwerl site on the net! Dang, Luellen, ahm comin'! gotta go now, bye-bye!

nancy - 11/22/98 00:44:05
squirrel lover or hater?: nuts for squirrels.

Jessica!!! i finely found you web page,it's fly. the bold and the bushytailed needs a blidy squirrely, and a vodoo bunny.do you check this thing to see if anybody has written,I'll give blidy you web page, he'll think it's neato

Mom - 11/19/98 22:20:41

I'm glad you like the Probe GT. I liked it too until I turned old and got the Benz! Come to think of it, when I brought the Probe GT you were with me. Could you have had an influence on me!

chip caldwell - 11/18/98 14:03:32
My Email:chip_caldwell@freddiemac.com
squirrel lover or hater?: love all;serve all

your mother turned me on to this site. Excellent. Good to see your not wasting your college years like we did, becuase all we did at UGA was smoke and chase the opposite sex....

Bill Cooper - 11/08/98 15:22:39
My Email:Lmerfudd1@aol.com
squirrel lover or hater?: Lover

Realy enjoyed your site and your humor.Ithink I finaly met someone as squirrely as myself.

Mom - 11/05/98 19:06:55
squirrel lover or hater?: Lover

Like the colors on the title page. I can read it. This site get better everytime I log on.

Nikki - 11/05/98 10:26:58
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Paris/Cafe/6121/scooby.html
My Email:zkanga@hotmail.com

Great page :) You've done a great job!!!

Mom - 11/03/98 12:07:05
My URL:http://wendy_maxwell@freddiemac.com
squirrel lover or hater?: lover!!!

The colors on the front page make it hard for us old people to read the choices. I love the new voting technique but I can't get it to work. It says no information. Show me when you come home. Love you. Gues who's on internet.

Jimbo - 11/02/98 17:42:23
My Email:Jim2shou@AOL.com
squirrel lover or hater?: Depends how ya cook 'em

Like a real Cool page! I can't wait for the next issue of "The Bold & the Bushytailed". Does Earl or Earlie give autographs or is that squirrelgrapghs? "The nuts never fall to far from the tree"

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