The fUNKy bASS gUiTaR pAGe!!

The Gibson Thunderbird Bass.

The Thunderbird IV debuted in 1963 with the original Firebird guitar series. The Thunderbird was reissued in 1987 with original reverse body styling and new, special design pickups.

When I went out to buy my new bass I was trying to decide, wheather to purchase a Fender Jazz Reissue Bass or the Gibson thunderbird. From my dealings with my local music shops the cost for a US made Fender Jazz Bass was way above the price of the Gibson (strike one for the thunderbird!)!! I also wanted a bass that had a retro style but didn't look outdated (strike two!). I knew that both types of basses had their individual sounds, pro's and con's. So I edventually opted for the Gibson due to it's unique styling and chunky Bass sound.

I gathered as much info. and spec's, review on the thunderbird  as I could and then started checking out where I could get the best price. Immediately it became clear that I would not be able to purchase the bass at a reasonable price here in the Republic of Ireland on two counts! First the importer here in Ireland (Dublin) wanted to charge me, £100 extra for the Hard case. I contacted Gibson USA and they said that the cases were standard with the bass but some distributors could  charge extra for the case so it was basically outside Gibsons hands...if there is one thing I hate are greedy people. Secondly, the retail price of the bass was far less if I imported it from the UK!

So I turned to the North of Ireland and the U.K. Finally I got a great deal from Marcus Musical Instruments in Belfast with free shipping!! I had the bass in my hannds before I could even blink! Maybe he was afraid I would change my mind??

When I first opened the case there lay the Bass guitar of my dreams lying in a traditional Gibson pink bed of underlay. What offset styling and solidness. What a solid chunky sound this Classic Bass made when I plugged into into my Marshall Amp, a match made in heaven!

I purchased theThunderbird in '98. The first thing I noticed, was that the sound was so solid.  Packed with punch to send any unsuspecting pint glasses of beer skimming across tables!! As soon as you pick up one of these babies, you can feel that solid construction especially when the bass is played acoustically.

My only initial problem is that I found that I wasn't used to the offset balancing due to the neck. As the head of the bass tends to try and swoosh down and hammer the floor. However, using a properly adjusted hefty strap. That  took care of most of the Thunderbirds 'swinging' tendencies, however, caution is always advised!!

The biggest problem I have found with my guitar so far is that I normally pluck my bass strings with my fingers and I normally rested my thumb on the top of the pickups. But on the thunderbird I find this awkward as the 'top' pickup is suitated close to the end of the fretboard and extends way over the e string. Which means I have to stretch my hands more = tired hands to reack the strings. I am now going to put on a temporary finger rest on the body closer to the strings.

My next bass is going to be a fender Jazz Bass (secondhand of course) although it may take a few years to get the cash together!!!

The Gibson Thunderbird Spec.

Nine-ply Mahogany and Walnut neck-through-body, Mahogany wings 

Nine-ply Mahogany/Rounded bass 


Scale/Nut Width: 34"/1 1/2" 

Binding: None 

Bridge/Tailpiece: Three-way adjustable 

Hardware: Black 

Pickups:  Two new design TB Plus ceramic magnet humbuckers 

Controls: Two volume, one tone 

Finish :Vintage Sunburst 

Check out the Gibson Web site for more info on the Thunderbird and other Gibson guitars.

Why not drop me an e-mail on any of the above or on anything to


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