Welcome to Capheen's guestbook.

10/22/99 09:14:27
Name: Girls of ICQ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

Mandy - 04/28/99 00:01:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on/streetjunk/index.html
My Email:street_junk@gurlmail.com
Favorite band: Oxymoron & Dropkick Murphys
How you got here: World Wide Punk
Today's date: shit i dont know

Page needs some work, maymore pics or something, but other than that its pretty cool!

lynn - 04/11/99 22:18:24
My Email:led-jr@rocketmail.com
Favorite band: small
How you got here: kennewick hit
Today's date: apr 11

you girls are cool, can you play at my birthday party? lynn, reno, nv

ALoVe - 01/22/99 03:50:02
My URL:http://alove.genXer.net
My Email:alove138@hotmail.com
Favorite band: Nirvana
How you got here: From a link from the Alterna nation
Today's date: April 5, 1994

cool page to go myne.

heather, webmistress of THOUGHT EXPERIMENT - 12/03/98 05:41:48
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/Basement/5732
My Email:imcookin@home.com
Favorite band: way too many...
How you got here: alternapunk nation
Today's date: 02/12/98

just checking out the neighbors in the webring... i'm originally from seattle, but now am trapped in san diego... terrible. hope all goes well with the band (i love girl bands) and check out our site when you get the chance.

amadna lunsford - 11/19/98 05:12:49
My Email:princesskanob@hotmail.com
Favorite band: zen juniper (ofcourse, cyd) no really its MxPx
How you got here: i know what you did in the 8th grade
Today's date: nov, 18 1998

hey, hows it going i'm going to Hanford good bye

Liliana - 10/13/98 23:37:07
My Email:lilianaz@electronmusic.com
How you got here: browsing
Today's date: 10/13/98

Hi, My name is Liliana Zujovic. I help run the web's largest, most comprehensive music links site (http://www.electronmusic.com) that generates around 130,000 hits per day. It was designed to provide the surfer with a depository of links to quality sites tha they would not find anywhere else. Currently we are the ninth most visited music Website (http://www.100hot.com) Awhile back I ran across your site (http://www.oocities.org/cgi-bin/homestead/). Suffice to say I was very impressed and decided to add a li k to your site. I hope that it has been beneficial. The reason I am writing to you is to introduce ourselves and to inform you that we are currently engrossed in a campaign to increase the exposure of all of the websites we link to. Hopefully creating a uch more defined artistic community on the web! The first step toward achieving our goal is to basically introduce ourselves and ask that you help us by linking back to electronmusic.com. You can get our banner at http://www.electronmusic.com/html/form/ mail.html. Also, there are many additions planed that will directly benefit our webmasters. I sincerely hope that this is only the beginning of our relationship. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to your response. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Liliana Zujovic Marketing Associate http://www.electronmusic.com

10/10/98 20:13:05
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Libmama - 12/11/97 21:31:16
Favorite band: MaMa & Papas
How you got here: your mother
Today's date: how did that guy say he wasn't sure what day it was

How cute. What fun wild sounds have fun

Kat Boxx (for the third time) - 11/05/97 00:31:58
My URL:http://members.aol.com/cdz13/capheenrockstars.html
My Email:CDZ13@aol.com
Favorite band: Kaiser Peas, The Mr T Experience, and New Kids on the Block!!!
How you got here: I walked.
Today's date: I wish.

Well, lookie here, signing the guestbook again. I sort of work it like a message board...I like message boards. Sometimes. Anyway, y'all visit my Capheen page. And got to Ledge's page, too, the URL is right underneath my post. And my page even has or nge text! No kidding!--Kat

Ledge - 10/19/97 07:04:18
My URL:http://members.aol.com/jinxed420
My Email:jinxed420@aol.com
Favorite band: um Green Day, MTX, Queers, Third Eye Blind, Save Ferris, a ton of others
How you got here: Taco and Kat drugged me and then beat me up and duct taped my arms and legs and threw me in the back of a van and brought me here and run-on sentences kick ass.
Today's date: The day loved died.

Love is dead and I fucking killed it. Haha, anyways, good page, good band. Release something =)

jim buschman - 10/09/97 12:13:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/jbuschman/kurt.html
My Email:jbuschman@hotmail.com
Favorite band: nivana, nofx, korn, pennywise
How you got here: i dont no
Today's date: how the fuck should i know that?

hey man...nice page...you guys are pritty cool...girl bands are cool...umm..thanx for sinding me a sound..later.

Silver - 10/06/97 00:02:46
My Email:lapkefam@aol.com
Favorite band: top 3--Skinny Puppy, Godflesh, and Pennywise
How you got here: why, I visit analy! no, that's anually...
Today's date: Squid from the Lunachicks! cha!

Hmm, I just realized that I've been to this page a dozen times or so an never signed the guest book. So, here I am. The page keeps getting better and better, but ya need more pics! Lookin' forward to hearing some studio tracks from ya, the page would look pretty cool orange, and...well...cheers!

Kat - 10/02/97 00:49:51
My URL:http://members.aol.com/cdz13/zenjuthinghy.html
My Email:CDZ13@aol.com
Favorite band: New Kids on the Block...no, the Mr T Experience...or maybe MC Hammer perhaps.
How you got here: It's a very long story. See, I woke up this morning and had a bowl of corn flakes...
Today's date: Nope. I do not have a date today. Would that be any of your buisness anyway?

Well, just signing this because I realize now that I have a link to my old page up. Click on the magic button up there and you will be magicly transported to the Zen Juniper Web Thinghy. Oh, yeah, I'm like in this band and stuff. And I need a raise of ands...WHO THINKS THE BACKROUND ON THIS PAGE SHOULD BE ORANGE??? I do. Kat

Carrie Johansen - 09/24/97 03:52:18
My Email:sejcogop@pacbell.net ( its my dads)
Favorite band: Puff Daddy(sorry)
How you got here: I was in a chat room and I cliked on a name that said Charp Suise
Today's date: 9/23/97

I think its really cool that you guys started an all girls band and I congradulate you and I hope you become famous. You guys (girls) sorry, sound really cool. I wouldn't have the guts to do what you did by starting your own band.My cousin Jesse has his o n band, but it kind of sucks. See ya! And my fullest encouragment!!!!!!!!!

Aunt Nancy - 09/07/97 02:53:55
My Email:nollie4907@aol.com
Favorite band: same for now
How you got here: over the web
Today's date: sept 6

Hi, Carp Sushi, I'm back!! Steve the electronic geneious came home and jiggled a loose wire on the back of the speakers and VOILA! sound. HEY, you guys sound terrific, great beat too. I couldn't quite hear the actual lyrics, but it sounds like you are getting together a complete package. Way to go. N.

Aunt Nancy - 09/05/97 13:05:21
My Email:nollie4907@aol.com
Favorite band: I am enjoying MOC's whole Cd these days
How you got here: via the web
Today's date: Sept. 5

Hey, Fred! I do, sadly or happily, fit the profile you have listed above! At ANY rate, I got mucho laughs out loud reading your web page. I forgot you were so funny! Wha's 'appening at skool this fall? Glad to be back? What was the best part about summer? As it turns out, you shoulda come to Ohio this summer, grampa and gramma's house didn't sell yet. I can't believe it! I am hoping you all can make the big Henderson Family Reunion in August 1999! It would be such fun to get Dylan and Ryan there from Australi also! Let's start working on your folks! Tell Ruth I would have left a longer message on her web page, but I truly didn't want to embarrass her with a lot of mushy aunt stuff if her band reads her page alot as well... oops maybe I don't know much about web pages... maybe your friends have access to yours as well. Too late, they will just have to know you have an adoring aunt in Ohio. I do miss the East Coast, but we did have a fun five days in New York City before STacy and Adam went back to school. ran all over town and got exhausted. XO

Nancy - 09/05/97 12:54:03
My Email:nollie4907@aol.com
Favorite band: right now, OMC
How you got here: via the web
Today's date: Sept 5

Terrific page and lookin' mighty good, CAPHEEN! I'll be back because for some reason, I couldn't download the audio. Can't wait to hear it!!!!!! Rock on, sister friends! ps (xo Carp Sushi)

Nancy - 09/05/97 12:52:50
My Email:nollie4907@aol.com
Favorite band: right now, OMC
How you got here: via the web
Today's date: Sept 5

Terrific page and lookin' mighty good, CAPHEEN! I'll be back because for some reason, I couldn't download the audio. Can't wait to hear it!!!!!! Rock on, sister friends! ps (xo Carp Sushi)

CYBER_FREAK_69 - 08/24/97 05:09:38 GMT
Favorite band: (V)ARILYN (V)ANSON
How you got here: CARP_SUSHI
Today's date: WHO GIVES A DAMN


TV's Chris - 08/21/97 05:26:40 GMT
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/sunsetstrip/stage/4831
My Email:dsgray@mindspring.com
Favorite band: The KeelDowns!!(my band)
How you got here: um...i was "surfin" and stumbled across the site
Today's date: lost track of the days

heyhey! nice page please go to mine we are ska/punk thankx. TV's Chris

Mikensi Roberts - 08/17/97 23:29:25 GMT
My Email:kinsi@thewatercooler.com
Favorite band: BeaTles
How you got here: NetScape..hehehehee
Today's date: Aug. 17, 1997? SUN.

HI!!! From Paws

Laura - 08/10/97 17:50:33 GMT
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Lights/8331
My Email:rm_sis@hotmail.com
Favorite band: Collin Raye
How you got here: A little rat told me how to get here from Sesame Street ;^)
Today's date: Um...8/10/97

This is a kewl page Ruth, you did a really good job with it! Maybe you'll help me with mine...*hint* *hint*

Jeremy McCullough - 08/05/97 05:18:38 GMT
My URL:http://expage.com/page/nuxvomica
My Email:Haqpy@juno.com
Favorite band: NUX-VOMICA
How you got here: MY PAGE
Today's date: It's Summer I don't give a fuck.

Nice page!

Linz - 07/13/97 23:43:54 GMT
My Email:Linz2713@aol.com
Favorite band: hmmmm...MTX, Squirtgun, green dat and the queers
How you got here: from Taco's page
Today's date: u July 12 1997 I think

Carp, good job the page looks swell!! I can't wait to hear the sounds! Linz

Taco!! - 07/13/97 22:45:46 GMT
My URL:http://members.aol.com/smurf1317/zenjuniper.html
My Email:smurf1317@aol.com
Favori e band: The Mr. T Experience!!! Well.. sorta tied with Squirtgun and Green Day.
How you got here: From My Page!!
Today's date: 7/12/97 (i think?)

Your page is coming good Carp!! I'll put a link up top on y page when i can!! See ya sometime! ~Taco

Young From Sonus Records - 07/12/97 06:48:13 GMT
My URL:http://sonusrecs.home.ml.org/
My Email:sonusrecords@usa.net
Favorite band: B ur, NIN, Third Eye Blind, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Live, Bush
How you got here: Zen Juniper Records Website
Today's date: 7/11/97

Just Lookin At Yer Webpage. Visit Mine Sometime. Good Luck With Yer Comp. Until Later Then. -Young.

Kat Boxx - 07/11/97 21:51:25 GMT
My URL:http://members.aol.com/CDZ13/zenjuzine.html
My Email:CDZ13@aol.com
Favorite band: Umm ...The Mr T Experience??? Am I right??? Do I get a prize???? No, it's really New Kids on the Block.....
How you got here: I flew.
Today's date: I don't remember. I think it's Friday!! Yay!!!!

A web pa e for my band!!!!! I'm tickled pink!!!!! Don't have fun, ~Kat Boxx

nukeboy - 07/11/97 04:23:01 GMT
Favorite band: root boy slim
How you got here: yahoo
Today's date: 7/10/97

fix your sounds

Hondo - 07/06/97 06:06:37 GMT
How you got here: Yahoo
Today's date: 7/05/97

Sorry the concert was cancelled.

Carp Sushi - 06/27/97 16:58:36 GMT
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/Club/3286
My Email:carpsushi@hotmail.com
< >Favorite band: MTX
How you got here: It's my page!!!
Today's date: June 27

This is a test.

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