You know what I mean, you send tapes and never get any in return. I must say

before I start that I have only encountered bad traders about seven times.

That's pretty good odds considering I have traded quite a bit!

What do you do when you don't get any tapes? First off, contact the trader and

ask what's up. I usually send three warnings before I consider them a bad

trader. I have had traders respond up to one year later, so be patient.

If nothing works and you can't get your tapes, try getting even. The following

stuff I either came up with myself or snagged from alt.revenge. Note that I am

not responsible for any damage you may incur using these techniques. With that

said, let's begin...


Go to the following sites and register your trader for more information, a

household visit, or a donation!

http://www.scientology.org/moreinf.htm, Church of Scientology

http://www.watchtower.org/how_to_contact_us.htm, Jehovah's Witnesses

http://www.webcom.com/ara/col/centers/na.html, International Society

for Krishna Consciousness

http://www.cais.com/unification/misc/uc_directory.html, Unification


http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/hpaulis/csi.htm, Church of


Buy a whole bunch of different magazines and take out the "Reader Service"

cards. Fill out the cards with your trader's name and address on them and circle

ALL the numbers. If there is a line on the card for business name put in "John's

Gay Apparels" or some other name like that that uses the goof's name. Put a

stamp on each card and dump them all in the mailbox. In a few weeks the trader

will be on every mailing list in the WORLD, and Christ, will he know it! He will

also be getting mail addressed to strange companies.

Almost every newspaper out there lets you call in the ad you want to have in the

paper and then they send you a bill for it. In other words, it's free. Look in

your local paper and judging from the ads that are in there, think up something

that would be a really hot item to sell. Houses and cars usually get the best

results. Call the paper and tell them that you're the trader and you want to put

an ad in the paper. Have something ready like, "Nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath, garage,

den, dining room, great neighborhood, $300/month, $200/deposit." Compare

your ad to the others in the "For Rent" section and be sure that yours is the

very best deal in there. As a phone number to call to inquire about the item,

leave two, "Call trader anytime 24 hrs at xxx-xxxx or xxx-xxxx." The first

being his work phone number and the second being his home. Now when an

awesome deal like you've put in the paper is seen, it gets a tremendous response.

I'm talkin' about his telephone ringing constantly for two days straight at the

least. He'll get in big trouble with his boss at work for receiving 2 billion calls.

Even if he's able to convince his boss that he wasn't responsible, he'll still look

bad. I mean, what would your boss think about all this happening? If he lives

with his parents, he'll probably get in trouble with them too.

The time-honored tradition of giving the trader a subscription to every

magazine that was ever made. Go to your library and rip out those little

subscription cards out of each one. If a librarian asks you what the hell you're

doing, tell her to go piss up a flagpole and continue your task. Now take this big

stack of cards home and fill them all out in the trader's name and send them in.

Almost every one of the cards will already have the postage paid for so you

won't have to worry about the cost of stamps. Now me, I could care less if

someone did that to me. I would get a little pissed off, though, if someone were

to use my name on the subscription cards and send them to my friends or

employers. He'll get a couple issues of each magazine until they get pissed off

that he's not paying for them and stop his subscription. For a few months after

that they'll harass him about paying for the magazines he ordered but he won't

get into any kind of trouble because of it. Some magazines let you use a credit

card to pay for the subscription. Use someone else's card and when the owner of

the card gets his bill, they'll investigate it and eventually narrow it down to the

trader's address.

There's a million little tricks you can play on people with those mail forwarding

cards you get at the post office. Here are some ideas:

Forward all of the trader's mail to London, England.

Forward all of the trader's grandparents mail to Chris's house.

Forward all of the trader's mail to his place of employment. His boss will

get really irked when he starts receiving mail there.

Forward his best friend's mail to the trader's home.

Forward his mail to his school.

Forward his mail to the police station.

Forward his boss's mail to Asia.


http://www.cs.uit.no/~paalde/Revenge/Scripts/RevengeFAQ.html, alt.revenge