What to do on a date with your fav BSB

If u want to date one of the boys, u must read these......

Alone with Nick

-To be his best friend. Simply buy a pizza and have dinner in front of the computer playing video games.

-To make him fall in love. Speak to him like a friend. Be natural and funny, he loves having jokes played on him, and buy him lots of presents.

-The first kiss. The knack is to make him laugh when he is unhappy......mmmmmmmm!

Alone with Brian

-To be his best friend. Talk about friendship and loyalty, that is what matters most to him.

-To make him fall in love. Brian doesn't believe in love at first sight, so take it slowly, don't be too pushy.

Alone with Kevin

-To be his best friend, talk to him about the things that are important to you. He is very sensitive and well listen to what your heart is saying.

-To make him fall in love, Kevin is attracted to sensuous women who wears classy clothes, try to be as elegant as possible.

-The first kiss. You don't need to say anything, simply look into his eyes and he will understand, Kevin can really turn on the magic and be very romantic.

Alone with Howie

-To be his best friend. Encourage him to dance a 'bolero' with you, it will make him the happiest man in the world.

-Love at first sight. Don't be shy, if you fall in love with him, tell him!

-The first kiss. When you are dancing, kiss his neck gently and let him take it from there.

Alone with AJ

-To be AJ's best friend is one of the easiest things in the world. He's very funny, loves meeting new people and can't wait to read you his latest poems.

-Love at first sight. Talk about his poems, or write a poem especially for him. If he likes you, he will take his glasses off and look softly into your eyes.

-The first kiss. Ask him to sing you one of his songs, when he has finished, say you want to thank him with a kiss, he is sure to say yes.

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