What Slash said.

"Axl is just another version of the Ayatollah." - Music Connection, 1986
"I was supposedly this bisexual heroin addict who had AIDS and was into small animals." - Smash Hits, 1988
"And we don't share girlfriends." - Sounds, 1987
"Rock and roll is supposed to be a rebellion for kids, not a huge corporation. In the '60's it was the Rolling Stones, in the '70's it was Aerosmith and in the '80's it's Guns N' Roses." - Smash Hits, 1988
"Have you ever found a new band and you want to turn everyone on to 'em? You want to spread the disease until you finally have 300 people hearing the same thing you hear. That's how our music spread and that's how we keep close to our roots. We're from the streets and, no matter where we go from here, we'll always have those roots." - Press Release, 1987
"If I had one wish, I'd ask for a constant supply of Marlboros." - Music Connection, 1986
"..you can stay in the most expensive hotels and you can be a huge rock band and have a lot of fame and recognition and all that stuff, but when you get into the rooms, toilet paper is still toilet paper." - Hit Parader, 1989
"Everything I own fits into two bags: One bag is full of T-shirts and the other is full of jeans. Someone stole the bag with my jeans...Jeans are the kind of thing where you have 'em for years and years and years 'til they get to a certain point, and someone stole eight pairs of MY jeans - every single pair of jeans I have! - and my phone book, which is like the most elaborate thing. It's like a day planner: it's got the whole albumn, each song, when it was recorded, basically every errand I ran over the last year, and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of phone numbers. If you need a phone number, no matter what it is, even if it's Acme Radio Knobs Inc., I'VE got the number in my phone book. They stole that too, and my itineraries. I had a girl over one night and I woke up the next morning and she ripped off my pants and my wallet was in 'em! I had to wear a towel to a radio interview. I didn't have anything else." - Mettallix, #4

What Axl said
"In world he did not create, he will go through it as if it were his own making; half man, half beast, I don't know what it is, but it's weird and it's pissed off and it calls itself Slash!" - Axl introducing Slash at a gig;(Smash Hits, 1989)
"The songs are what mean the most to us...we all write, and we all write well. We're willing to go through hell if we can get a good song out of it...When I'm up onstage singing the words that capture that experience, it's all worth it." - Hit Parader, 1988
"We play good, straight American rock and roll, you know... I don't want to sound too cliched or anything. We play with a punch, with an edge to it." - Music Connection, 1986
"When I cam to L.A. five years ago from some hellhole in the Midwest, I was wearing cowboy boats and everyone said I looked like I just came off the boat. All of a sudden, it's become a fashion, so now I guess I drive the boat." - Hit Parader, 1987
"There's only so many ways you can move your hips." - Heavy Metal Sex Stars, 1989
"I wrote this song ('Rocket Queen') for this girl who was gonna have a band and she was gonna call it Rocket Queen. She kinda kept me alive for awhile. The last part of the song is my message to this person, or anybody else who can get something out of it. It's like there's hope and a friendship note at the end of the song. For that song there was also something I tried to work out with various people - a recorded sex act. It was somewhat spontaneous but prmeditated; something I wanted to put on the record..It was a sexual song and it was a wild night in the studio. This girl we knew was dancing; everyone was getting really excited. The night coulda gotten really explosive, lots of trouble for eveyone, and I thought wait a minute, how can we make this productive?" - Press Release, 1987

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