A Page About Me

Front Page

Updated 27th September 2002.

This is a little page about me. Before I updated it, it had a whole lot of blurb about stuff I like, some links to websites and all the other stuff that a page about myself might have (although I took away the picture a while ago).

This new page about me is much briefer, for many reasons. I will give you the basics like, my name, how old I am, where i live etc, but I will spare you all the boring details like my favourite films, or best memories.
My name is Natalie, I'm 21, a girl, I'm from England, but I am currently living in China, which is why I don't get the chance to update very much any more. The western music that you can get here is generally limited to Boyzone, The Backstreet Boys, The Carpenters and Rod Stewart. (but give me a year, I will get at least some chinese people liking Grace!). I'm teaching english over here, which is very easy to get into, but quite hard to do well. I suppose it helps if you actually like the kids you are teaching.
I went to university, now I'm doing all the things I wanted to do, but how long I will last so far away from home, I don't know. Maybe a couple of years.

Ok, a few things to indulge the cliched part of me...
What is in my CD player at the moment? Nine Inch Nails.
What was the last film I saw? Mao Zedong and E. Snow. It was on tv this morning, but wasn't very good. I have a movie channel, and sometimes I am lucky enough to actually get a film in English! (this one was half in english)
What was the last good film I saw? Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. But I want to see it again with subtitles.
Why do I like Grace Slick so much? Well, I could make you a list if you like...
What do I miss most from England? My Angel DVDs and my entire CD collection.

To end with a quote:

"What a lot of fun, you guys have been real swell...Now I gotta run, see you all in Hell"