He leads you along many paths.  Time seems to move very slowly as the fear within you grows stronger.  You seem tired but too afraid to stop.  His cold hand drags you on further.  You now reach a great castle.  Many creatures fly around the castle, their wings glisten in the moon light.  Your guide reaches his hand out and points to a sign that is present on both sides of the door.
Beware all ye who enter here.
Beyond this gate there are no hopes or dreams.
There is no happiness or signs of light
Only the fear and the things that create it dwell beyond this gate
This is a place of darkness, a place of terror.
A place where only evil prevails
There is nothing of life here, all is dead
Many whom hath entered hath not returned.
Lost in this World of Darkness they scream out, watiting, hoping
Until one day they realize there is no way out
The shadows have consumed them and now they lie here as part of this world,
The World of Shadows.
He grins as he watches you read the warning upon the door.  Then the doors open and a large room is present.  Torches light the room and paintings of olden times are seen lightly along the walls.  Paintings of tortured victims, lost souls and those whom tried to escape.  You glance at them with awe, your attention grabs on the one who smiled.Another victim catches your eye.  One who tried to escape.
You turn your attention back to your guide.  He then leads you further into the room.  Several doors are now seen.  He asks you to chose your path.
The Library
The Gallery
The History Room
Friends Chambers
Tortured Guests
Musical Journey
Forbidden Haven
Reality Loft
Everquest Screenshots

After your journey has ended he leads you back towards the door, stopping you at the book of blood.  He signals for you to sign.  You remember that those who disobey the laws of the land die painfully so you go to sign the book.  He stops you and hands you his sword.  You look at him oddly at first and then think of the name of the book, 'book of blood'. You slice your finger feeling the pain and sign the book.  The shadows consume you and you are back to where you once started, lost and confused.

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