And I get asked by people alot who say
'What do you do to get up for a show?'
And I say
'Why would I need to get up for a show?
You walk on stage and the crowd goes Haaaah!'
--Billy Joel--


3/01/98 Just added the Sound Studio where you can find many midi files (and very soon .wav files.)
2/27/98 Adding photos to the galleries as we speak.

COMING SOON: Want to know what the stars say who Billy Joel is? I will be placing a page on here with his chart and an interpretation! There may even possibly be a section for what is ahead for Billy in the next year.

It's Here!
Greatest Hits Volume III is out in the stores! A collection of old favorites and newly released material.Columbia Records

Sound Studio

Photo Exhibit

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You have been dying for this moment for a long time. You are standing in line at the ticket center. You are handed a bracelet with number:

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The Nylon Curtain

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'The Nylon Curtain'

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'The Nylon Curtain'

The Nylon Curtain - 1982

Goodnight Siagon
She's Right on Time
A Room of Our Own
Scandinavian Skies
Where's the Orchestra?

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