Guide:Slovak Metal Underground

phantasma PHANTASMA
  • Genre:
      Atmospheric death metal

  • Line up:
    • Andy Duc - vocals, guitar
    • Richard Dermek - bass guitar, vocals
    • Rudolf Kurila - guitar
    • Rastislav Fabian - keyboards
    • Radoslav Timko - drums

  • Discography:
    • Destroyed, 'Cause He Believed (demo 1993, 5 songs)
    • Welcome To Heaven (MC - Metal Age Production, 1994, 11 songs)
    • Jazz For Jesus (MC - Black Labyrinth production 1996, 10 songs)
    • Jahve (CD - Rock Extremum production 1999, 11 songs)

  • History:
      PHANTASMA was founded by two pagan creatures Andy and Roland in 1992. Radoslav comes to band soon. In this line - up, they recored their first studio demo "Destroyed 'Cause He Believed". After Radoslav leaves the band to execute his military service, new guitarist Leviathan and bassist Jesus join the band. Little later they record material for Metal Age Production, Slovakia, called "Welcome To Heaven" in 1994. It's 1995 and guys are again in studio. After pretty received second album, third one is going to be recorded. This got name "Jazz For Jesus" and was released on their own expences a year later. In 1996 Roland and Leviathan leave the band and after half a year of searching the new drummer Mr. Ryhak and new guitarist Rudrige and keyboarist Rastislav is found. In march 1998 Phantasma records album "Jahve" for Slovak label Rock Extremum. The Album was released in beginning of 1999. At the moment PHANTASMA gives concerts, grants interviews.

  • MP3 Samples:
  • Address:
      PHANTASMA, P.O.Box 73, Kosice 11, 040 11 Slovakia, Europe
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Guide: Slovak Metal Underground: Phantasma
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