Awards that you can win!
As of now I only have a few awards available. Hopefully I will be able to have more soon.
I have sample written on all of these samples because, they may be taken without being awarded otherwise. The award you get if you win will not have sample written on it.
Every award has these basic requirements except the freebie award:
~ Must sign my guestbook. It's only fair!
~ I must like your site for some reason (not a hard requirement)
~ must be willing to link the award to my site.
~site must not be just a list of links. Site must also be G-PG-13 rated.
This award is awarded if your site is just a kewl site! The requirements are:
The basic requirements (see above)
This is the freebie award. There are no requirements except you must link it back to my site. You don't even have to tell me you are taking it as long as you link it.
This award is for a prettily done site. The requirements to win this award are:
The basic requirements and a nicely done site.
This award is for someone who's site is recommended by someone else other than the webmaster. The requirements for this award are:
The basic requirements but, must be submitted by someone other than the site's webmaster.
This award is for very special pages who help or have helped people (i.e. tyson's page *main page*). The requirements for this award are the basic requirements of every award (except the freebie). When I view your site for this award I should be moved in some way, or have some sort of thought-povoking experience for you to win this award.
To apply for an award just send me an email and write "Applying for an Award" in the subject line.
The email needs to contain:
Your name. Your email address. The site's owners email address (if applying someone for the surfer's choice award). Name of the site. URL of the site. Please include a description of the site and why you think it should win an award (optional).