I was spending the summer with the Barkers, old friends of my folks. We were not related but I called them Aunt Ellen and Uncle Bill anyway. They have a nice place out in the country and I had a job in one of the stores in town along with Jenny, my cousin. Her brother Ben worked in town also so we rode our bikes together every morning and back home again in the evening. Ben and I had were the same age and had just graduated from high school. Jenny was a year behind us. We had all gotten along quite well since we were little kids and still did. So the bike rides were always a mixture of teasing, talking and laughing. The whole family was very pleasant and all in all I was having a good time.

Things were going quite well until the day Jenny got into some real trouble. There was a discussion about her at breakfast and Uncle Bill finally announced, "Enough talk. We all have places to go. We'll continue tonight and after the spankings some of us can watch TV."

Memories of a previous visit came into my thoughts. Surely they did not follow the same ritual of punishments after all these years but like everyone else at the table, I kept my silence.

Our ride to town was unusually quiet. We were all deep in our own thoughts. Only Ben seemed somewhat unconcerned and the occasional smile on his face was adding to my fear that this night would be similar to the one I remembered so well. When Jenny and I went to lunch I had to ask and was not happy with what I heard. Yes, things were as I feared and as a pseudo member of their family I would probably be required to participate. The rest of the day seemed to drag by and the trip back to their house was a repeat of the one that morning. Jenny was going to suffer the most and I'm sure she was dreading her punishment but for the first time that summer, I wished I was back at my own home.

What's the big problem you ask? Jenny was the one in trouble so what was I worried about? I'll tell you. It was quite a few years ago that my folks and I were spending the weekend with them and Ben was about to get spanked. I was sympathetic since my parents also were (and still are) firm believers in corporal punishment. As was the case in my house, there was not going to be any clothing between the hand and the bottom and any siblings were required to be present so they could be reminded of what to expect if (and more accurately, when) they misbehaved.

However, both of these aspects were carried further at Uncle Bill's house. Rather than just having his pants and underwear pulled down he was going to take everything off. My pity for him was increased until I heard the other modification. In order to increase the deterrent aspect of watching a sibling get their punishment, the other one would get a short reminder spanking. Then they would have a better understanding of how much the full dose was feeling. Of course, even though it was not for punishment per se, they had to adhere to the same method of preparing for it.

Although I was just a visitor my folks suggested that I follow Jenny's example. I argued that I hadn't done anything wrong and didn't deserve to be spanked but wilted rapidly at my mother's special look. The matter was closed and I was going to get spanked. It could either be the same as Jenny's or over Mom's lap for something much worse. When we all gathered in their living room both my cousins immediately started to remove their clothes. I was at that age where I was very aware of my body and extremely modest. I hated it when my brothers saw my bare bottom but at least that was all they saw. Now I was going to be completely exposed in front of everyone. I was mortified but my mother's implied threat squelched any thought of rebellion. Ben and Jenny were already naked before I started disrobing which made it even worse. I wasn't just one of three kids stripping, I was the center of attention.

At the time I was more concerned with my own embarrassment to take much notice of Ben. It was only later that I took a peek at his privates. First I watched Jenny go over her father's lap and get her 'reminder'. He only spanked her for a minute or so but she was squirming when he finished. Then it was my turn. Uncle Bill asked my father if he wanted to take me over his knee but dear old Dad allowed as how Bill was in charge and gave him permission to attend to my rear end. So for the first time in my life I was upended and spanked by someone other than my parents. His idea of a short spanking and mine differed. It was not a few light taps. He struck hard and like the previous occupant, I was wriggling uncomfortably by the time he was done.

Since Jenny and I were not being punished we were allowed to rub our bottoms to relieve a bit of the sting. I should note that this was a new experience for me. In my house, a sore bottom got no relief until the pain faded on it's own accord. Anyway, then it was Ben with his rear end pointing towards the ceiling and his spanking began. I was able to compare it to the ones his sister and I got. Uncle Bill didn't seem to strike any harder but he took him well past the uncomfortable fidgeting stage. Any burgeoning feelings of manliness he had were soon a thing of the past. He was crying and carrying on like a little boy as the paternal hand continued it's steady rhythm. At last he was upright but unlike us, he had to keep his hands on his head. That's when I got a good look at his little thing. It was small and shriveled. I found it interesting but didn't see what the big fuss was about having a penis.

He was still crying and apologizing and begging for it to be over. I understood since I had been in that position myself. One spanking that hurt like hell and then another one. Sure enough, his mother occupied the chair and he was face down again. She didn't spank him as long but she used a hairbrush and you'd think she was branding him for all the noise he made.

When he was on his feet again he immediately went to put his nose in a corner of the room. Only then were Jenny and I allowed to get dressed.

So now you have an idea of why I was not happy that Jenny was in trouble. She had confirmed that the ritual hadn't changed much and that Ben was going to get his reminder before her real spanking. The real question was how I fit into the schedule.

I tried a subtle approach when I was helping my aunt prepare dinner. I nonchalantly said, "It's a shame Jenny got into trouble. I'll just go up to my room and read a book while you're punishing her."

She turned to me. "Don't be silly. You're a member of the family. You haven't complained about doing your share of the chores and you and Jenny are as close as sisters. I know it will not be pleasant for you to watch her get punished but that can't be helped. However, I don't think that's what you want to avoid and I'm a little surprised. You've taken part in our punishment sessions before so you know your spanking is only going to sting a little. It will be nothing compared to what you got a few months ago for skipping school."

I blurted out, "How did you know about that?"

Than I answered my own question. "You talked to Mom, didn't you."

She nodded, "I called her a little while ago. She gave her blessing to the idea of us treating you as if you were our daughter."

I understood that blessing for what it really was. A long distance order directed to me. My aunt got a little more serious. "In fact, she said that our authority includes dealing with any disobedience in whatever manner we saw fit. I personally don't think that will be necessary. You've been a perfect guest and I'm sure you won't cause us any problems."

I sighed and assured her that I would mind my manners. Then she said, "It's not the spanking you're worried about, is it?"

I shook my head and she continued, "Jenny has had the same problem. She doesn't like being nude in front of us and especially her brother. If it's any consolation, Benjamin is equally embarrassed. I don't think he has any lustful thoughts about his sister but he has the natural male reaction to seeing a pretty girl without clothes. Not overly so but enough to notice. Men may be proud of their equipment but not to have it be aroused in public. He doesn't like to see Jenny get punished and once her real spanking starts he shrinks rapidly. Of course, if he's the reason for our get-together there's nothing to worry about. All he's concerned with is what his rear end is going to get."

She took a breath and sighed, "However, you are not his sister so I think tonight will be even worse for him."

Then she giggled, "Sweetie, I don't know if you've ever seen a guy when he's fully erect but I think you'll get your chance after supper. When he gets a look at your charms he won't be able to help himself. He'll be hard as a rock and his face will be bright red."

I had a boyfriend for a while last year and after a few dates we did some petting and I felt him through his jeans but that was my total experience with an erection. I briefly wondered what Ben's would look like. He might be embarrassed but I would be mortified. It was bad enough to stand nude and get a short spanking last time. Needless to say, I was even more modest about showing off my body in all its natural glory to anyone. I remembered her warning about dealing with disobedience and resigned myself to an unpleasant evening.

Dinner was a somber affair. None of the usual chatting and joking and when it was over Ben and I were in charge of the cleanup. The others proceeded directly into the living room. They didn't yell but we could hear most of the lecture Jenny was getting. Ben leaned towards me. "I think that's almost as bad as the spanking. They've added a little twist since the time you were here. She is already nude and has to stand there while they prattle on. Hell, we know what we did and know that it was wrong so why do they have to keep telling us? I hate these sessions whether it's me or her getting punished. Do your folks still spank you?"

I blushed and answered, "Yes. I got one just a few months ago. In a way it was like the one I saw you get. First Dad spanked me and then Mom finished the job with her hairbrush. I couldn't sit down comfortably for a day or two afterwards."

He nodded, "I know what you mean. We're going to feel a little sting that will fade fairly soon but poor Jenny is going to be sore for the rest of the evening and probably into tomorrow."

We were both silent as we put the leftovers into the refrigerator and then he spoke. He kept his face down as if he was ashamed of what he was going to say. "Um, I should warn you about something. I hate it when this happens with Jenny and I try not to look at her but I'm probably going to get a hard-on when you take your clothes off."

I actually smiled at his confession. I suggested that he just not look at me either and he laughed. "I'm afraid that's not possible. I normally don't like attending Jenny's sessions but I have been thinking about you all day. Sorry, but this will probably be my only chance to watch you take your clothes off and I intend to make the most of it. In fact, I'm already starting to react to the thought."

In spite of the seriousness of the situation, I smiled back. "I think I'm flattered. I have a admission of my own. I remember seeing your penis the day you got spanked and have been wondering if it ever grew up. Is it hard now?"

He turned towards me, listened for the voices in the next room for a moment and reached for my hand. As he boldly moved it towards his crotch I could've pulled it back but instead I pushed forward. It was like that time with my old boyfriend. A good sized lump in his pants that seemed to get harder as I squeezed it. I didn't see his hand moving so I jumped a little as he replicated my squeezing motion only much higher on my body. Then I leaned into him as if he needed any encouragement which he didn't.

I should stop here and try to explain something. First of all, Ben was a nice guy but we had treated each other as just good friends. He never gave me any indication that he thought of me as more than his temporary sister. I felt pretty much the same way about him. So what happened? I'm not really sure myself so I can only guess. It was a fact that we were going to see each other without clothes and the gentle banter in the kitchen was making it easier to accept. Then there was my curiosity about his body. He gave me the opportunity to do a little exploration that would be impossible in the living room. I found it very interesting and more than little exciting. When he put his hand on my breast I could say I was just returning the favor but who am I kidding? I was getting turned on and welcomed his touch.

The responses we were getting and giving to each other almost overrode our common sense. Then the incongruity of the situation slowly dawned on us. Here we were groping each other while Jenny was in the next room receiving the verbal portion of her punishment. We stepped back from each other and laughed quietly.

As we returned to the cleaning he quietly returned to the earlier subject. "I didn't take much notice of you last time but I remember a few things. For instance, those were just tiny lumps."

I faced him and pulled back my shoulders as I asked, "I take it that you approve of the change?"

He stared at them and said, "Yes, I heartily approve."

Then I looked down at his crotch and commented, "And that thing wasn't much to speak of last time I saw it either."

Feeling impish and a little daring I continued, "However it definitely shows promise. It's still causing a bulge in your pants and I can't wait to see it in the flesh."

He leaned next to my ear and replied, "I think that's a wonderful idea. The only question is whose flesh will it be in?"

It took me a few moments to catch on and then I blushed and gave him a little punch in the arm. He held up his palm and looked at it as he said, "I thought that would be your reaction so I guess this is the only flesh that's going to be wrapped around it."

Granted, it was an oblique reference but this was the first time any boy had made such a suggestive remark to me. To be honest, I was still feeling a little sexy so I put my hand in his and whispered, "I'm still a virgin but would you be satisfied with me using this instead?"

He moaned a little and said, "That would be very nice. Very, very nice."

He kissed my palm and started to pull it towards his crotch again. This time I pulled back. "No. We better cool off a bit. It sounds like they're winding down. It might not be a good idea for them to see you too excited. They might think we were up to some funny stuff."

He nodded, "You're right but don't worry. I hate stripping in front of them and that is like a cold shower. I'm afraid when you first see me certain parts might not seem too remarkable. But fear not, after we're both nude things will grow again."

A moment later we heard our names called. When we got to the living room Jenny was already nude, standing in the center of the room and looking very sorry for herself. A nod from Uncle Bill and our disrobing began. A few minutes before I was almost eager to strip so Ben could look at me but the reality of doing that in front of his parents brought back all the mortification I felt the first time. Back then I had far less to interest anyone but that didn't appear to make any difference. As Aunt Ellen had predicted, Ben didn't seem to find the procedure any less humiliating but that was small consolation. When our clothes were neatly piled we stood straight. We didn't have to put our hands on our head as Jenny was doing but the rules I remembered hadn't changed. Nudity was part of our empathetic punishment so covering any part was forbidden. I stole a peek at him. He was certainly bigger than the last time but it was not the rock hard thing I felt through his pants. I saw him glance at me and give me a small smile. Then he went to his father.

He was not the daring fellow who just acted so boldly in the kitchen. He hung his head and submissively put himself into spanking position. It was strange to see an almost grown man laying on a lap with his bottom in the air. Although he never cried out it was obvious that the paternal hand was having an effect. When he returned to my side he was eagerly rubbing his rear end.

Then it was me on Uncle Bill's knees. Once again our ideas about what a short spanking is differed but Aunt Ellen was right again. It was not nearly as bad as what I got at home. Still, I was eagerly attempting to assuage the soreness when I rejoined Ben. His mother's third prediction was proven true. Although he seemed to be embarrassed at having an erection I was impressed. It was sticking out and was even larger than I thought it would be. It didn't last long. As Jenny's first spanking got her past the wriggling uncomfortably stage he started shrinking. By the time she stood for the changing of the spankers he was entirely deflated.

What can I say about Jenny's punishment. I suppose it was not much different from what my folks give me but it was horrible to watch. Her quiet sobs as she took her place in the corner after her mother's hairbrush treatment tore at my heart. Ben and I dressed quickly and were invited to join his parents for some TV. I preferred to go up to my room but that was vetoed so I stayed with the others. I can't tell you what we watched since I was distracted by the occasional sniffle or whimper from the corner.

After a half hour she was allowed to get dressed and excused to go to her room. A few minutes later Aunt Ellen said, "Why don't you go up to her. She needs a friend and a shoulder to cry on."

I wasn't surprised to find her face down on her bed wearing only her pajama top. She was reaching behind herself to apply some sort of lotion. She looked up when I came in and smiled just a little. I sat on the bed and took over the lotion job. It's odd, I'd never touched another girl's bottom much less a bare one but it just seemed natural. It was a form of comfort and not the least bit sexual. I offered my sympathy and she thanked me but added, "It's not over yet. I not only have to apologize to Mr. Turpin in person but I also have to go to his house and do yard work. Mow the lawn, rake the grass; you know, that kind of thing. Even worse, Mom and Dad say I can't be trusted so they're going to stay and watch me to make sure I actually do the work. If I don't do a good enough job we'll have another session tomorrow."

Then she turned her face to me and smiled. "But that would give you and Ben another chance to give each other the once over. He couldn't take his eyes off of you. He's reacted to seeing me when I take my clothes off but nothing like he did when he saw you. I had no idea a guy could get that big. Have you ever seen one before? What did you think of his? I saw you staring at it."

I blushed and gave her red bottom a little slap. "That's none of your business but his was the first one I really saw in the flesh."

I stopped short as I remembered his response to that expression. I finished by saying, "Anyway, I don't want you to be punished again so make sure you do a good job tomorrow."

I headed off to bed and had fitful dreams. Most of them consisted of me and Ben without clothes and touching each other but there was one that concerned me. Ben and I were nude but rather than gentle fondling, he was spanking me. When I woke up from that one I had a hard time going back to sleep. I thought back to our time in the living room. He was still flaccid when I went to get my 'reminder' and seemed to be too focused on his own rear end to look at my body. And during my time on the lap he couldn't see much of my more interesting parts but when I stood up I immediately saw him at full attention. Did that mean he found my spanking arousing? I tried to dismiss that idea when another one struck me. When I woke from that dream I was wet down there. In fact, I was still stroking myself. I yanked my hand away from its diddling and began to wonder why I found the idea of him spanking me so exciting.

The next morning Aunt Ellen took me aside for a little talk. "We're taking Jenny to apologize to Mr. Turpin for what she did and to give him a few hours of yard work. We're staying with her so you and Ben will be here alone. I saw the way he looked at you last night and I've never seen him react physically so much before. I'm afraid he may get the wrong idea after seeing you take your clothes off. I don't think he'll do anything he shouldn't but if he does let me know and we'll deal with it. His father is having the same sort of chat with him."

When they left Ben and I did the breakfast cleanup. When we were done we moved to the living room to watch the Saturday morning cartoons. On the way I thought of the dreams I had so I nonchalantly asked if he liked what he saw last night. He wasn't looking at me as he answered, "No. I told you that I hate seeing Jenny get spanked."

I responded, "Yeah. You're right. I know what a pair of spankings like those are like from the receiving end and I hope she never has to go through that again."

OK, that was my attempt to get away from the real subject. It failed. When I saw his face he was smiling and continued his previous statement. "But, before that I got to see a few things that piqued my interest. Actually, they were downright beautiful. I wish I could stare at them again but in a more private setting. How about you? Did you see anything you liked?"

I had no one to blame but myself for starting this discussion but since it was just playful teasing I replied, "Well, there was something that was quite impressive but it didn't last very long. It hardly seems worth the effort if it goes away so quickly."

He laughed. "It doesn't always shrink that fast. In fact, sometimes it can be hard for quite a while. Such as when I was thinking about you when I got into bed."

I grinned and said, "Oh, you were having erotic thoughts about me? Did it ever get itself wrapped in any flesh?"

He help up his hand and said, "You can bet it did but not the way I would've preferred. Is the offer of using your fingers still valid?"

Was this heading to where I thought it was going? I waited a moment before answering. I lowered my voice. "yes."

He had a catch in his throat and he nervously asked, "Would you, um, I mean should we . . . "

I wasn't sure if his statement was just hesitations or an actual question. If he was asking me if we should go any further I would almost have to say No but if it was just apprehension I should let him finish. I think I was waiting for him to make the first move. He didn't seem to have a problem making a pass at me the night before so I said, "Should we do what?"

He stepped closer to me. Gathering his courage he answered, "This may get me into a lot of trouble but here goes. I want you to take your clothes off?"

I vacillated back and forth within the span of a few seconds. He was acting a little more like he did last night. I said, "Why should I do that? All I offered was the use of my hand. What would I get in return?"

He raised his arm and stroked my breast. "I use my hand here but it will be better without these clothes in the way."

Ben wasn't the only boy to touch me there through my clothes but it was very different. The other guy was more into grabbing whereas the present one was much more gentle. I had no major desire to let the first one get past my blouse but now I was seriously considering removing the two layers of cloth covering them and not stopping there. I put my hand on him and felt him growing. I murmured, "The same goes for you. Wouldn't this feel better if I could wrap my fingers around it?"

He smiled and replied, "Yes it would but I only have to open my fly and take it out."

I returned his smile. "And all I need to do is unhook my bra and you can reach under my T-shirt but let's be honest. That's not what either of us wants."

He said he agreed with my assumption and pulled his own T-shirt over his head. Then he reached to grasp the bottom of mine but I stepped back. "No. I want to watch you first. Then I'll do it."

As he started on his pants I pulled out the chair his folks used to spank us and sat down to enjoy the show. He stopped and said, "With you sitting there it's a little like last night."

I laughed, "Don't worry, I'm not going to spank you."

He bent down to take off his shoes and socks and commented that it felt weird. He had imagined being nude with a girl but never like that. But he continued and after he had the rest of his clothes off he stood up straight for my approval. I applauded and said it was my turn. We changed places and when he sat on the chair he said, "Thanks for warming the seat for me."

I told him he was welcome and kicked my sandals off. As I started to pull up my shirt I asked, "Do I get the same promise?"

He looked confused so I explained. "That you're not going to spank me."

Before he could answer I added something. I still had that last dream in my head and I can only blame that for the conversation that followed. "Never mind. I want to feel like that's what I'm stripping for. I noticed how hard you were after your dad reddened my rear so I assume you found watching that quite arousing."

He was momentarily flustered and tried to deny the charge but then admitted the truth. "Yes, I did. I knew it wasn't hurting you too much and seeing your adorable bottom bouncing and getting a little pink was very exciting. I hope you don't think ill of me."

I was unsnapping my bra as I answered. "No. Not at all. If I knew it wasn't going to be as bad as your father's short reminder I might even consider letting you take me over your knee."

Whoa, what was I saying? He was supposed to be the bold one. Damn that dream. Then I saw his penis twitch and assumed he approved of my stupid suggestion. What's more, he took it to heart. He gave me a stern look and said, "What are you waiting for girl. Take the rest of those clothes off and get over here."

That was the way I wanted him to act so I hung my head and said, "Yes Sir."

I maintained that mock submissive attitude and I quickly finished the job. When I was nude I stood as he did for his scrutiny. However, I added a slow twirl so he could see all sides of me. When I faced him again he was all smiles. He crooked a finger in my direction and I moved to his side.

Talk about exciting; I had just stripped at his command (sort of) and was now offering myself to be spanked. I never felt so sexy and he noticed. "Nice nipples. They really stick out when you're excited. Or it could be that it's too cold in here. I wonder if there's any way I could tell which it is?"

I was pretty sure I knew what he meant so I moved my feet apart. I watched his hand move slowly towards me and then moaned as he discovered an opening that was getting more lubricated by the minute. That should have let him know that I was not just offering to let him spank me, I wanted it.

But he made me say it anyway. He asked, "Do you want me to spank you?"

I couldn't speak so I nodded and lay across his lap. I just happened to notice that unlike the last time I was on a lap, this one had a hard object pressing against me.

Another difference was the gentle hand exploring my rear end. For some reason no boy had ever been particularly interested in that part of me and the new sensations Ben evoked were quite enjoyable. Then he gave me the spanking although it was hardly worthy of the title. In my experience they were supposed to hurt. Even the not short enough 'reminder' caused me to wriggle uncomfortably. Ben was interspacing his swats with more stroking and caressing. Even the word 'swat' is too strong. They were somewhere between light taps and almost enough to sting although there were one or two that got my attention. He kept telling me how beautiful I looked and a kept up a running commentary on the changes in color. I could feel myself heating up. Not just on my back side either.

When I felt this fingers slide between my thighs I opened my legs and then sighed as he made contact to my secret spot. He spent a few moments there and went back to his tender slapping. Time and time again he alternated between those two things and I was in heaven. He slipped me to the floor and lay next to me so he could continue the delightful probing and use his other hand on my breasts. He brought his mouth into play and kissed and nibbled and drove me wild. I had masturbated myself to orgasm a few times but they didn't prepare me for the explosion of pleasure he induced.

As I was catching my breath he got a box of tissues to wipe me before I leaked onto the carpet. I looked at him with a very happy grin. I said, "That was wonderful. You've done this before, haven't you?"

He shook his head. "No, not even close but I've done a lot of reading on the subject. I'm glad my studying paid off. Now it's your turn."

He took my hand and put it on his erection. I wasn't sure what to do but he was very helpful. He tweaked a nipple or two from time to time which felt very good and increased my enthusiasm at giving him pleasure. When it started twitching he reached for a tissue and handed it to me. He said to get ready and started spurting. It took more than a few tissues to catch all that came out and my hands were sticky with the stuff.

We snuggled on the floor for a while before getting dressed. He gave me a wonderful kiss and any more like that would have me peeling my clothes off again.

Before I went back to my own home Ben and I had a couple of opportunities to be alone and we made the most of them. Tee-hee.

Life is good.

Read Ben's version of this incident

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