She is a stunning woman. Not particularly beautiful in the classic sense, but attractive in a different sort of way. Perhaps it is the way she looked. She is impeccably groomed with not a hair out of place. Her clothing consists of a well-tailored business suit that accentuates her femininity without overplaying it; modest heels and her only adornments are a silver watch, understated earrings and a tiny silver flower on a thin neck chain. And her posture: proud and self-confident. It is obvious that this is a successful woman used to being in command of herself and probably others. A woman who speaks with confidence and experience, and people listen. If you had been standing outside when she arrived at the airport you might have noticed that she alights from very expensive town car with tinted windows as befitted a woman of her stature. Looking closely you would see a man in the back seat with her, but the small exchange between them gave no indication that they had anything more than a professional relationship. After a brief exchange and with a small word of thanks to the chauffeur she walks towards the door. The astute observer might see the slightest crack in her armor when the car drives away and she stops to watch it leave. Almost as if she is reluctant to see it go. A quick touch of sadness maybe, but it is only a moment before she regains her confidence and enters the airport.

But what is more curious is her luggage. It is conspicuous by its absence. All she carries is a thin leather portfolio with an embossed company logo. This might not be unusual if someone is taking a trip for a presentation or a meeting and be planning to return the same day but it is a bit strange that she does not even carry a purse. The airline agent may notice that the portfolio contains the woman's driver's license (which is necessary to receive her ticket) but that it is otherwise empty save for a few papers. Where, then, are the normal accouterments of a traveler; her wallet, her credit cards, her cell phone and the myriad of other things people carry? All of this becomes more mystifying when you consider her destination. It is much too far away for her to return without spending the night. But the airline agent refrains from asking all but the traditional questions. Has the traveler packed her things herself and have they been out of her control since she packed them? Questions that are obviously unnecessary under the circumstances.

Hundreds of people see her as she walks to the departure gate. Aside from turning a few heads she is the picture of a woman on a mission and not to be deterred. It is no surprise that she sits in the First Class section. Aside from a few words with the flight attendant she is silent and lost in her own thoughts. An attempt by her seatmate to engage her in conversation is met with a warm but aloof smile that firmly stops further interaction.

Yet underlying this entire professional exterior there is the very subtle promise of a passion that would engulf you if it were let loose. One could only watch, enjoy and envy the person who has the right to touch and see her in that light. If we only knew how soon she is to give away those rights we might understand why her self-assured demeanor seems to fade as the flight progresses.

When she gets off the plane she is holding the portfolio with the company logo clearly visible. There is a man dressed in a dark suit standing by the gate. He sees the distinctive emblem and steps in front of her with his hand held out for the package. He opens it, extracts the papers for review and, with a nod, replaces them. But does not return the portfolio. He tucks it under his arm as he turns and walks away. She follows a discrete distance behind him. Not once does he turn to see if she's still with him although he walks at a brisk pace. Only when they get to the car does he face her again and that is only because he is opening the door for her. It is a gesture one expects from a chauffeur but to the careful observer, it is done as if it is a command for her to get in the car and her aloofness is momentarily shattered with a shudder. In a moment they are on their way and she is lost to our sight.

But I have the power to see more than the casual observer does. Stay with me and together we will learn more about this woman and her reason for traveling to this place.

Neither of the two people in the car say anything during the one-hour drive. Their destination is a small office building located on a scenic country estate far removed from any other signs of civilization. The driver opens the door for her and is rewarded with a small smile that he does not return. He leads the way to the front door and finally smiles, but it is not one that exudes warmth. There is a sarcastic aura about him as he over-emphasizes a courteous bow and a sweep of his arm to invite her into the building. The quiet feeling of anxiety she felt when she got in the car returns.

Inside there is a well-appointed reception area where a young woman rises to greet the visitor with a brief handshake. Feeling more at ease, the woman responds to the receptionist's relaxed style and smiles are exchanged. The driver hands the portfolio to the younger woman who also removes the papers. When she is satisfied that all is in order she puts everything on her desk, picks up a cloth bag and turns to the guest. "You can put your things in here and they will be cleaned for your trip back home."

The woman takes the bag and responds, "Thank you. Now if you'll tell me which room I'm in I'll go and do that."

The receptionist acts surprised. "What makes you think you need to go to anyplace else? You signed the papers. Didn't you understand that you would not be wearing any clothes for the first 24 hours and will be subject to corporal punishment during your entire stay?"

Confused and embarrassed the woman responds, "Yes of course, but isn't this a bit too public? The video said . . ."

"Ahh," said the receptionist. "The video we sent you that describes and demonstrates our procedures and techniques. We've had this problem once or twice before and usually it's with clients who haven't given it the attention it deserves. It clearly shows the typical accommodations, standard punishment facilities and the mode of dress after the initial period, but at no point does it say anything about any part of this building or, in fact, anywhere on these grounds where you not required to follow all rules or where your privacy will be respected. Let this be a lesson to you. Don't make any more foolish assumptions. Charles?"

Her last word could be taken as a question and it is actually a request of sorts. Charles, as the driver is named, nods and before our heroine can react he has her bent at the waist until she is almost folded in half. Then he steps in front of her or what would've been the front of her and presses his legs against her shoulders. He holds her in this position with one hand while the other pulls her dress and slip up and over her rear end. While this is happening the receptionist retrieves a leather strap and as soon as the path is clear she applies it quite effectively three times.

As you can guess, the elegant woman is aware that she will be subject to such treatment during her stay and is quite prepared for the embarrassment and discomfort she is to experience. However, she is a woman who considers the process as important as the result. She has a fairly clear idea of the order in which things would happen during her stay. Which leads us to understand the two aspects of her present situation that were even more disconcerting than the actual pain. First that it is happening so soon and not according to her plan and secondly, that it is being administered by these apparent underlings.

After the initial strokes are an uncomfortable memory the receptionist announces that they are not part of the actual punishment. That will consist of six more strokes on the bare bottom. While that would be enough to make anyone shudder in anticipation it is the next part of the command that caused the most consternation. The last protective barrier is to be removed by the penitent herself. This is a requirement that, for the moment, is impossible to fulfill.

After a few seconds of inactivity a second set of three cracks split the air with the explanation that they are for delaying and that a similar set of three has just been added to the six punishment strokes she had already earned.

Although her position is awkward it is possible for the new guest to reach behind and grasp the waistband of her panties in order to drag them down over an area that is already sore and going to be more so. They only travel as far as her garters will allow but that is sufficient. This is not an action she enjoys but she is smart enough to realize it is going to happen eventually. Strict adherence to the principles of process and bureaucratic levels of responsibility quickly give way to practicality and the amount of punishment her unprotected bottom is going to receive both before and afterwards will increase dramatically if she doesn't comply immediately. So it is an act of self-preservation but in her heart she also knows this small task is tantamount to acknowledging their authority over her. Alas, it doesn't end here. Her tormentor understands the ways a woman like the one in front of her thinks and gleefully brings the unspoken to the forefront. "That's a good girl. I like to see a woman who knows how to ask for a spanking and taking her own panties down for the kiss of the strap is a very good start. Now let's hear you say it"

There is a quiet sob even before the strap lands again but there is time between the two events for the shameful words to be spoken. Even with her resignation of the inevitable Charles has to hold tight as the body in his grasp twists and jerks involuntarily with the power of the next nine impacts. The receptionist may be young and fairly petite but she knows how to use the strap and now there is one more person in the world who has first hand knowledge of the young girl's expertise. As the instrument of punishment is being replaced in its resting place the woman is released. She painfully straightens up and starts to unbutton her suit jacket. As she is removing the rest of her clothing more staff members appear and stay to watch. The area is full of people by the time she is done. Her bottom is sporting more than a dozen bright lines but they are pale in comparison to the color of the naked woman's face. At the receptionist's command she walks around the room and does a slow twirl to let each observer get a first hand and close up view of the marks on her rear end. Her other assets ensure that her bottom does not monopolize their stares. By the time she is halfway through the line of people she draws upon some deep resource and regains her normal poise. She stops her individual displays and moves to the center of the room with her back straight, her shoulders back and her head held high. Ignoring the silent crowd around her she puts her clothes in the bag and says, "If you're quite done I'd like to be taken to Mr. Q. As much as I enjoy letting your friends gawk at me I believe the proper procedure is to contact him as soon as I arrive and he is to greet me in my room. If he's the distinguished looking gentleman I saw looking out of the large windows on the second floor I think he already knows of my arrival. I can't help but wonder what he thinks about being was kept waiting while I entertain you."

Her intuition is correct. The receptionist blanches and quickly says, "Charles, take Ms. B to room 31 and please explain the delay to Mr. Q."

However, Charles, like the rest of the staff, has already made a hasty exit.

Although one of the two women remaining is completely naked and still suffering the effects of the other's strap wielding arm, it is the latter that seems the most upset and there is a noticeable quiver in her voice as she says, "Well then, I'll guess I'll have to take you."

She has reason to be concerned. Although she was not aware of it at the time, there was one person present during the last few minutes that did not leave. He makes himself know as he says, "That won't be necessary Jenny."

Jenny, hitherto known as the receptionist, stammers, "Hello Mr. Q. I was processing our newest guest and about to bring her to you."

The temperature in the area seems to drop considerably or so you would think by the way that Jenny shivered. A cold emotionless voice replies, "I saw the way you `processed' her and I think you overstepped your responsibilities. Next time a client balks at one of your orders you are to make a note of it and send her on her way. I will deal with the problem personally and if it is a personal affront I will let you take an active part in her punishment. But you are never to assume that you can take matters into your own hands without my consent. I think you'd be wise to get back to your duties. Also, I want you to review our rules and write a detailed description of your actions this afternoon and how they violated those rules. Bring that paper and your strap to dinner where we'll discuss this further."

Turning to his guest he is the perfect gentleman and says, "I'd like to welcome you to our little training center. I hope you had a good flight and the drive here was not uncomfortable. We'll take a quick trip to your quarters so you can freshen up and then we'll begin the introductory tour. This way please."

Although she is not entirely unaware of her lack of clothes in the presence of this powerful man she is reassured that the right order of things is once again in place. She puts thoughts of what she will undergo at his hands during the `introductory tour' as well as the rest of her stay out of her mind. There will be time enough to dwell on them. The video she watched was very explicit in the nature of the events that await her and in the fact that, aside from the impending demonstrations, she would have ample opportunity to reflect on each one before it is inflicted upon her.

The room is similar to a modest hotel. A comfortable looking bed and a separate bathroom. What are lacking are a TV and a telephone. She uses the bathroom and when she comes out he is sitting in a sturdy but armless chair. Without instruction she walks next to him and waits. He may've ignored her nakedness on their way to the room but he is making up for it now. He has an attractive woman's body at his disposal and he makes the most of it. He maneuvers, poses, pokes, pinches and prods it far longer than she thinks necessary. Still, she maintains her dignity. He is impressed and tells her so. Her head and chest swell with pride. (He especially likes the chest-swelling thing.)

Then he directs her to open the drawer of the nightstand next to the bed. It contains a number of cuffs, ropes and the like that are obviously designed to hold her in place either on the bed or, for that matter, wherever he wants her. However, what he wants her to bring him is a strap almost identical to the one she had already met. As she returns to him he explains, "As you know, you will be subject to a number of punishments while you're here. Actually, they're not punishments since you've done nothing to deserve them but that is a distinction you may find hard to enjoy. Be that as it may, there is one thing that will only be administered as retribution for misconduct and that is a spanking over my knee. You will understand that when that occurs you are not the woman you think you are but a naughty little girl getting her just desserts. The one exception is the spanking I'm going to give you now. It actually the first stop on our tour and meant as a demonstration but you will do well to put yourself in the state of mind that it is being delivered for valid purpose so as to get the most benefit from it. I'm sorry that your bottom has already suffered one spanking with a strap and you will have the opportunity to repay Jenny in kind this evening. Unfortunately, the curriculum, for lack of a better name, calls for me to welcome you in this manner. So if you would be so kind to put yourself in position we can get started."

Somehow, knowing that this is part of the proper process allays part of her fear and she gracefully situates herself as he desires. But as soon as her bottom is raised her old fears and regrets surfaced. It had been many years since her father had spanked her and while he never required her to be nude her bottom was invariably uncovered. She never accepted his discipline with a grateful heart but only from fear of greater reprisals. So it is as Mr. Q predicted, she has reverted to a young girl and her shame and trepidation is genuine. Her tears and cries of anguish are just as authentic as the strap rises and comes crashing down a dozen times.

After a suitable period to recover her normal decorum she is ready to become intimately acquainted with some of the terrors she would have to face again and again during her stay. Hours later she is again in her room getting a well deserved rest until her host returns to escort her to a communal dining hall.

She is led from table to table to be introduced to the staff. She recognizes many of them from the reception area but she is polite to all and makes it a point to remember their names even when they are given leave to let their fingers trace the marks still evident from her `introductory tour'. When she gets to the head table she is again face to face with Jenny. The receptionist does not sit with them. Before the first course is served all eyes and ears are focused on the young woman reading aloud from the paper which tells of her misdeeds. Then she discards all her clothing and grabs her ankles. Ms. B takes the strap and steps behind her. Although she is sore in more places than she ever thought possible she realizes she has a role to play and does not shirk from her responsibility. She returns the favor of each of the fifteen strokes she received when she first arrived as hard as she can and it is commendable that Jenny is able to hold her position during the onslaught. Then the young receptionist's arms are attached to ropes hanging from the ceiling. She will remain on display during the meal and prior to the dessert, she will entertain the rest of the staff with her gyrations and cries as her employer reminds her of the rules with the same strap. It is a lesson that can not be delivered with only fifteen strokes and none but a few of them will land on her rear end.

The evening ends with a lottery. Each staff member reaches into a hat and selects a folded piece of paper. There are two sets of papers, one for the men and one for the women. Each piece of paper indicates a time during the night when the woman who has selected that time will come into room 31. She will use the strap in the drawer one dozen times on Ms. B's rear end. Then the man who is with her will take his pleasure in whatever orifice he chooses. There will be two such visits each night during her stay.

Following the festivities Ms. B and Mr. Q return to room 31 for a review of the next day's schedule. She shudders as she remembers her brief introduction to the methods that will be employed. The added consternation is that, unlike today, she will be bound in such a way as to be able to see the implement that will be used and will wait at least one hour before she feels it applied in the manner to cause the most significant and intimate pain. The only consolation is that her bottom will be safe from harm but that is little relief. It means that her other parts will suffer more greatly. Besides, she has two sets of staff members coming before the next morning and they will see to it that her rear end is not neglected. She lies face down on the bed with her bottom raised on some pillows and Mr. Q attaches her wrists and ankles to the bedposts. In this position she will not only be vulnerable to the strap but ideally presenting whichever opening the male member of the visiting team wishes to penetrate. She finds it hard to sleep as she waits to hear the door open again. It will be the first of some very long nights and even longer days.

At the end of her stay her clothes are cleaned and pressed as promised. She moves stiffly but proudly as she bids farewell to Mr. Q and his staff. At the airport she smiles at George and whispers, "You were the best of my nighttime visitors. Thank you." He blushes at the compliment and says, "Happy to oblige."

Again the airline agent notes her lack of luggage but makes no comment about it. The first class seat is a tad less comfortable than her last flight but it is good to be heading home. As she gets off the plane she is met by the man who rode in the car with her. He takes her portfolio but does not open it yet. Instead he offers his arm and they walk together to the waiting car. Once they are in the back seat and the tinted windows closed against prying eyes he reads the enclosed reports. He also extracts her license and gives it to her along with her purse. Then he smiles and says, "You have something for me?"

A sweet nod of her head and she reaches under her dress. She removes her panties and gives them to him. Then she reaches under her dress again to extract the leather strap that was held by her garter belt. It is the same one that has been her used on her twice each night since she last saw this man. It now has her name and position in the company embossed on it. He puts the panties into the pocket of his jacket and tells the driver to take them to the office. He turns to her and says, "Hold the strap until we get there. The board of directors is waiting and they will each want to use it to formally welcome our newest Vice President."

She smiles. Her journey is almost complete. Life is good.

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