(in the photo from left to right)
Fenriz   bass, percussion & satanic poetry
Nocturno "Kveldulv" Culto   guitars, vocals & lyrics
Darkthrone Band
Darkthrone was formed back in 1986 by Gylve Nagell, Ted Skjellum, Ivar Enger and Dag Nilsen. In the beginning they called themselves "Black Death" and they played Death Metal with satanic lyrics. In 1988 they changed their band name to "Darkthrone" and after recording a couple of demos they released their first full-lenght album: "Soulside Journey" on Peaceville. After this release they left the Death Metal concept in advantage of the newly invention/discovery done by Euronymous; Northern Black Metal. They also started using aliases (Gylve Nagell became Fenriz, Ted Skjellum became Nocturno Culto and Ivar Enger became Zephyrous) and corpsepaint. Their bassist, Dag Nilsen, didn't like this new music/image and left the band. However he did session bass on Darkthrone's next release: "A Blaze In The Northern Sky". Darkthrone used several hours setting the sound to get it as harsh and ugly as possible, and since they knew what they where doing it ended up sounding great. It was this album witch realy satt the standard for the Northern Black Metal style. The following three albums was recorded in Fenriz' studio; Necrohell Studios, too get that fine sound. Darkthrone stayed on Peaceville for a total of four albums, then they went to Moonfog. This was done because they wanted to work with norwegians only. Zephyrous disappeared after the "Panzerfaust" album, but he has neither quit or been fired. Noone seems to know where he is, or what he's up to.
The Albums
Land Of Frost (demo 1988)
A New Dimention (promo 1988)
Thulcandra (demo 1989)
Cromlech (demo 1989)
Soulside Journey (1991 Peaceville)
A Blaze In The Northern Sky (1992 Peaceville)
Under A Funeral Moon (1993 Peaceville)
Transilvanian Hunger (1994 Peaceville)
Panzerfaust (1995 Moonfog)
Total Death (1996 Moonfog)
Goatlord (Recorded in '91 and '94 - released on Moonfog in 1996)
Soulside Journey
Soulside Journey Cromelech 
Sunrise Over Locus Mortis 
Soulside Journey 
Accumulation Of Generalization 
Neptune Towers 
Sempiternal Past / Presence View Sepulcharality 
Grave With A View 
Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia 
Nor The Silent (Whispers) 
The Watchtower 
A Blaze In The Northern Sky
A Blaze In The Northern Sky A Blaze In The Northern Sky (1991 Peaceville) 
Kathaarian Life Code 
In the Shadow of the Horns 
Paragon Belial 
Where Cold Winds Blow 
A Blaze In the Northern Sky 
The Pagan Winter 
Under A Funeral Moon
Under A Funeral Moon Natassja In Eternal Sleep 
Summer of the Diabolical Holocaust 
The Dance of Eternal Shadows 
Unholy Black Metal 
To Walk the Infernal Fields 
Under A Funeral Moon 
Inn I de Dype Skogers Favn 
Crossing the Triangle of Flames
Transilvanian Hunger
Transilvanian Hunger Transilvanian Hunger 
Over Fjell og Gjennom Torner 
Skald Av Satans Sol 
Slottet i Det Fjerne 
Graven Takeheimens Saler 
I En Hall med Flesk og Mjød 
As Flittermice As Satans Spys 
En As i Dype Skogen 
Panzerfaust En Vind av Sorg 
Triumphant Gleam 
The Hordes of Nebulah 
Hans Siste Vinter 
Beholding the Throne of Might 
Snø og Granskog
Total Death
Total Death Earth's Last Picture 
Gather For Attack on the Pearly Gates 
Black Victory Of Death 
Majestic Desolate Eye 
The Serpents Harvest 
Goatlord Pure Demoniac Blessing 
(The) Grimness of Which Shepherds Mourn 
Sadomasochistic Rites 
As Destertshadows 
In His Lovely Kingdom 
Black Daimon 
Toward(s) the Thornfields 
(Birth of Evil) Virgin Sin 
Green Cave Float