Fenriz   guitar, bass, vocals, drums & keys
Isengard is a one-man-band by Fenriz, formed because he had some ideas that didn't fit into Darkthrone. He wanted Darkthrone to be Darkthrone, and not become progressive. Isengard can be described as Folk Black Metal. Most of the material is inspired by Norwegian culture and old superstition. Fenriz goes out from the heathen Norway, before the Christianity was forced into the country. If you like Storm, this is the music for you. Vinterskugge and Høstmørket also includes some really Black Metal songs, like Darkthrone. But it is the Norse-inspired songs that really make Isengard so fantastic. Another thing that makes Isengard, is the demo-sound. It is real crappy production. That's because Fenriz loves lousy production. I don't know if there is going to be released more albums from Isengard, but the two that is already released is very good.
The Albums

I: Vandraren
Vinterskugge: It's the opening track, and it has a superb riff. The lyrics are marvellous, and the singing is great. (...riva deg sund, lem for lem). In English: Wintershadow. (...tear you apart, limb for limb).
Gjennom skogen til blaafjella: (Through the forest to the mountains blue), is an instrumental based on a guitar-riff. Trollsk.
Ut i vannets dyp der mørket hviler: (In the abyss where the darkness rests), a bit more faster, and it's more Black Metal vocals on this one. It is very dark and itchy.
Dommedagssalme: (Doomsdaypsalm), has a touchy feeling, and laid back vocals with an enormous lyric.
In the halls and chambers of stardust the crystallic heavens open: Played on an instrument that I can't remember the name off, looks like a piano. Great melody, and the mood is very very good.
Fanden lokker til stupet: (The devil allures to the cliff), based on guitar-riff again. Cool title.
Naglfar: This is the masterpiece. The lyrics is about old Norwegian superstition, and the ship that is coming when the world is going under. With sails of the dead-peoples skin, and the hull built with the dead-peoples nails. Superb. This is a situation from the twilight-of-the -gods.
II: Spectres Over Gorgoroth (Isengard -demo)
Thy Gruesome death: Real Black-Metal with real Black-Metal vocals. This is not so Isengard, it's more like Darkthrone.
Dark Lord Of Gorgoroth:
Rise from Below: Die!
Trollwandering (outro):
III: Horisons
The Fog: Noisy. Great sound tough. Imagine yourself, and the Norwegian fog. It's foggy, and it's dark.
Storm of Evil: This one has got a rocky feel, with cool vocals and a fine keyboard riff. "Only true believers, will survive the storm of Evil".
Bergtrollets Gravferd: (The Mountain-Trolls Funeral)This is an instrumental, and it's real funeral music. Dark, mystic and dreamy.
Our Lord Will Come: Funny vocals, but with a clear message: OUR LORD WILL COME .
Neslepaks: Spelled backwards Neslepaks is Skapelsen, that in Norwegian means Creation (Genesis). Fenriz is telling us about day 7 to day 13. Great lyrics. And the songs on this album are more Norse-inspired. A Folky riff, with Fenriz deep clear Nordic voice.
Landet og Havet: (The land and the sea), Here Fenriz is singing over himself melodically. A hymn to Norway (Noriigs riige).
I Kampf med Kvitekrist: (In battle with Christ): Great song, triumphant. The singing on this one is great, so are the lyrics. But beware.....
I ei gran borti nordre åsen: A simple synth-riff, and Fenriz using Norwegian folk music, and he is going all over the place with his great voice. No real lyrics, except: Fuck You !!
Over de syngende øde moer: Maybe the best track Fenriz has ever written. Totally great singing, and very good guitars on this one. It is very spellbinding. It feels like a journey into the great Norway.
Thornspawn Chalice: Black-Metal song. It sounds a bit like the first track on Darkthrone's Panzerfaust, but heavier. Splendid lyrics, and amazing vocals.
Total Death: More Black-Metal. It's an old unreleased Darkthrone song, re-recorded.