a sXe punk rock band from the West Island of Montreal



HALIGUA is all about getting the message out whatever it may be. We try to have meaning in all our lyrics (You can read our lyrics here). We are a straightedge band which means that we don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. We try to only play all ages shows because we don't believe there should be an age limit on who gets to listen to our music. For a while we said we would never play a bar because it goes against everything we believe in. We have recently talked at length about this and have ammended our policy. As we have already said what we're all about is getting the message out. It doesn't do us much good to go telling people who already know about sXe what it's all about. We have to tell different people. When people see that we can totally go off on stage without having any artificial high or whatever maybe then they will see that they don't really need it either. Another big issue with playing bars was the all ages aspect. We are going to try to arrange stuff with the owners so that underage kids can come in if they have a special stamp (a big black X perhaps). If that doesn't work we'll sneak you guys in by hiding you in the bass drum. Don't worry you'll get in.

This is what we're up to:

Well we're going through a slow period right now. Modi is going to school in Ottawa, Ben still lives in Montreal, and Luke is working out of Quebec City. It's hard to get the 3 of us together to jam. We have a couple new songs that we just have to work the kinks out of. They'll be ready for our next show... whenever that is.


April 3
We're playing at the Centennial Center on the JAC/MacDonald campus. It's a benefit show and we're playing with some other West Island bands including The Vendettas, and Bitterfly. We'll get more details up here as soon as we know more.
April 25
At Maison Des Jeunes in Chategauy. Email us if you need directions. We've played there before and it was a great show. Chateguay punk rock gods 5 Knuckle Suprise are also playing.
Right now Modi is working on setting something up in Ottawa. We'd also like to make it back to Almonte again soon. Luke is trying to set up a show in Quebec City. We'll keep you posted.

Last Show

It was Jan 15 at Clydes with the Kung Fu Pimps and Buildings. Definately one of our best shows. We played a tight short set which included a cover of Poison's Every Rose Has It's Thorn. We also played our newest song 9 Fingers Lady Way for the first time in Montreal and it went very well. This was supposed to be the KFPs last show but it looks like they might work things out. We hope they do.

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