Dark Over the NET

Spanish Version

Welcome to my little home Here you will find some pages I've been posting in on the net

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ĦIt's me!

Alberto aka darkover (in some places)


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(Yes, this means Alberto in japanese)



From here you can travel to:

darkover's YES experiences: Some stories about me and the best rock band in the world.

The Official SARATOGA Web Pages. The band of my guitar teacher, good Heavy Metal in Spanish.

Quercus web pages, the best rock Bar in the Sierra de Madrid until January 98 (only in spanish right now).

Pictures of the trips I've made in 1998: London and Bilbao. And some of the trips 1999: London (again), Sweden and Burgos. And of course pictures of my trip to the USA, USA, USA...

Pictures of some concerts I've attended: Bruce Springsteen, Bryan Adams, FESTIMAD 99 and Ray Davies.

and MORE PICTURES of myself with my guitars.

The best thing I've ever written: Be careful it 's a love poem!!



More to come soon (if my brain works of course!!)

If you have some ideas please e-mail me

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last update 10.21.00