Some Yabasic Programs
If you are a Basic Fan, welcome here!
My name is Hermang Mansilla, E-mail:
This Web Page lists some programs I have written
using the Yabasic Programming Language:

Last Updated : May 12 2006, new items added to the bottom

I think Yabasic gathers the best features of the Basic Programming Language.
And besides, it is improving pretty fast.
For more Information:
Yabasic is a Basic Interpreter developed under the GPL License
Yabasic was developed by : Marc-Oliver Ihm
If You have written some useful programs or games, I suggest that
you share them !
The Programs listed here are my contribution to other Yabasic users
Don't ask what Yabasic can do for you,
ask what you can do for Yabasic ! :-)

The Following programs were tested in Linux,
Download version 2.0
It is a great Puzzle
with lots of levels
See the Readme.txt for details
Look this Screenshot
first 50 levels included in data lines
There are 40 additional levels that I will upload soon

This is a simple Board Game
  • It is based on an old game previous to Chess
  • You play in a 7x7 slots Board
  • All the pieces are Knights
  • It is random

Card Demo
It shows The Classic 21 Cards Trick
  • It shuffles a Deck and picks 21 random cards
  • You pick a Card
  • The program will try to "guess" Your Card

Graphic Demos
This is the first in a series
of graphics demos
This program shows a star rotating inside a circle with
some box growing and shrinking

This program shows polygons that form spirals
(In development) Download
Soon to be released: Lissajous curves !
Scaling Fonts
Download Version 1.0
This Program reads bitmaps
that contain pixels of fonts
and scales the fonts with italics
and or underline attributes.
Under Development.
Some Fonts for testing
This program draws the
Classic Mandelbrot set
modifications under way
Some Graphics generated by complex math calculation
Fractals use extensive calculations, this program is somewhat slow
it draws in 4 loops just be patient :-)
It should work in Linux and Windows95
Analog Clock
Download it
this program depends on the instructions
"wait" or "pause"
In Unix, It is recommended to run it with:
./aclock.yab 2>&-
Sliding Blocks Puzzles
This is the first in a series of sliding puzzles
You can select the size of the Board.
This is the classic Sliding blocks puzzle
I had one of these plastic puzzles, I missed it,
So I coded a "Software Equivalent" :-)
Download it
Stay tuned!, the next sliding puzzle will be hard to solve!
I am coding it now, based on what I remember :-)
Sprite Animation
Demo Download it
This Draws a Little Man Character on the screen
that you move with the cursor keys
Dbase III Viewer
updated , only tested in Linux,
Download it
( CGI version in development
currently testing with Apache 1.1 )
This program browses the contents of Database files
with format dBase III
This is a new version ,
Look a screenshot
needs Yabasic 2.47 to
read binary Files,
Some sample File, rename it to database.dbf

Animated Fractal
Download it
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
This is a port of a
fractal demo written in C
needs Yabasic version 2.47 or later
I have disabled the "Timer" subroutine :
in Label CheckElapsedTime
because the Control Variable "ThresHold" is very sensitive
You can scale the size of the window modifying
the variables WINXSIZE and WINYSIZE

Mine Sweeper Download :

Contributed Programs from other Authors:
New Programs In development:
PCX Library and viewer Library rename it to *.yab Sample Viewer rename it to *.yab
Instructions will be uploaded soon
In Development
Now Testing ...