Rants, Raves, and Sick Fucking Stories
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Well, here it is, I'm totally fucking wasted, but I think it is time for my first rant! It must certainly be on censorship. First let me say that there is nothing wrong with opposing points of view. But where do we draw the line? Can you honestly say that your opinion is so correct that is gives you the right to silence any other opinion? So fucking what if you don't like what others think. If you think they are wrong, then debate it, prove it to them.
Don't get me wrong, I still say, "fuck you" if you don't like my ideals. But I don't try to eradicate those who disagree with me. At least they have a brain to think with. Just don't try to erase the brain I think with. I'll print any stupid Christian that wants to tell me how my soul will be rotting in hell, and how God is my only salvation. I think it's shit, but hey, it gives me something to publicly humiliate.
So my point is, don't try to silence anyone that irks you, do your best/worst to try to show them how utterly fucking stupid they are and then make them kiss your fat hairy ass in public. That's much better.
P.S. Fuck you if this doesn't make sense. I'm totally wasted. You drink a whole bottle of Bacardi(with coke) then two or three Bailey's Irish Cream & milk and then try to state your ideals about something serious. Asshole.

Equal Bandwidth for opposing views.
Recently I got a bit of mail from someone with a few things to say about this web site. In all fairness, I will print the letter and my response completely un-censored. If you'd like to comment to the author of this mail, his address will be hyper-linked, but please send me a copy. Or if you'd like to flame me, the address is at the top. On to business....
Date Sent: Tue, 04 Nov 1997
From:  Wayne Shigley <shigle@dns.ida.net>
Organization: Child of God
Subject: Rants, Raves, and Sick Fucking Stories
If you weren't so wasted when you write you might make some sense, but I
doubt it. Actually, I'm glad to read this to see where I could be today
if I hadn't come to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. If I've
ever seem anyone who is demented and sick it is you.
Your vocabulary is also lacking when the only adjective you know is
"fuck".  I suspect you have some talent to come up with such a page,
it's a shame you don't use it for something worthwhile. I know you'll
like my next statement. You seem so totally screwed up and wasted that
I'm going to start "Praying for you, that God will save your soul" and
somehow, someday it will happen.  Let me know when it happens.
Your Friend
This is my reply.....
From:     Self <Single-user mode> (weasleface@oocities.com)
To: shigle@dns.ida.net
Subject: Re: Rants, Raves, and Sick Fucking Stories
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 20:31:31
You'll be happy to know that I use 'fuck' also as a noun, verb,
adverb, exclamation, and many other parts of speech. Let me make this
clear. I don't care what you think. I'll be praying to my god to win
YOUR soul over to our side. Also, if you are a christian, you should
know, "judge not, lest ye be judged". I'm quite certain that if you
want to preach to me, you should tell me about Jesus and Forgiveness,
and let God do his thing instead of judging me yourself. That's a
great way to bring someone to Christ; insult them, judge them, then
pray for them. Perhaps if you were born a few centuries ago, you
would maybe kill them if they didn't also convert. You know, the
whole crusades thing? Seems like your kind of mentality. Know this,
people just like you are the best reason I can think of to reject
Christ. You're a sheep and you are proud of it. BAAA BAAA.
                                        Love Weasle Face