Barko The Wonder Poodle has been my inspiration for this website. Without his constant guidance, I would have made just another lame page on the web. As we digest and excrete bits and parts of the web each day, he has made it clear that some sites deserve to be electronically marked as "his territory". These are Barko's top ten. If you think your site might deserve to be marked by Barko, or if you want to nominate a site, send me some mail  If Barko thinks your site is worthy, someone will get bumped(except for Princess
I know it's big, but tough shit. If you don't want it, don't ask. If you want your name off my list, I say fuck you, happy to do it!

Princess Natalie Welcomes You to Hell  Mine and Barko's all time favorite site. Aside from the excellent page, The Princess is truly one of the finest and most intelligent people on the web. Do not miss this site!!
  The John Swarey Home Page  The best place on the web to join a cult. Go see who's cookin'!
  Gremlin Caves Our kind of scum. Be sure to check out his Psychiatric Ward, if you've got a problem, The Gremlin will make it worse.
  Into the realm of goddessmoira you go....  Not only did Barko mark this site, but he got 'lipstick' when he read her personal ad.
  Your Mama by Mike and Jason  You'll laugh until you shit your drawers. We did.
  Bert is Evil!  I'm not so sure, I think Ernie might be framing him?

 Jeffrey Dahmer's Soup Kitchen  Bring your bib, it's time for a little "long pig" BBQ!