On Saturday, March 28, 1998 I recruited a new (and maybe one of the youngest) Aerosmith fan.  My niece, Katlyn, age 7, came over to my house.  She knew how much I love Steven Tyler and Aerosmith's music from my "Shrine of Steven" in my living room and every CD of them in my entertainment center.  Her dad (my brother) had called me the night before, asking me which Aerosmith CD had "Dude Looks Like A Lady" on it because she heard the song and loved it!!  I told him "Permanent Vacation" and he proceeded to try to find it for her at one of our local department stores.  They had several other Aerosmith CDs, but not the one she wanted.  When she came to my house on Saturday, the first thing she wanted was to listen to "Dude Looks Like A Lady" and I immediately put the CD in for her to hear it.  She knew it was Number 5 on the CD (she told me).  I was watching her as we were listening to the song and I was thrilled at the sight of her really getting into the music.  Then she said, "Okay, now Number 7" (Hangman Jury).  (She had heard these at one of her other Aunt's house)  I told her I had the video on tape of Aerosmith singing her favorite song and her eyes lit up like stars.  "Really?", she said.  I asked her if she wanted to see it and she was like, "Yeah!!!"  So I had to find it on the tape with all my Aerosmith videos on it, and she sat right in front of the TV and watched, every once in a while looking over at me with a grin.  I was so amazed!!  When "Dude" was over, she wanted to see the next video on the tape (Angel) and others.  When we got to "Pink" I asked her if she had heard that one yet.  She said, "No," so we watched it along with another version of "Pink" on the Billboard Music Awards.  When she saw Steven dive into the water at the end, she wanted me to rewind it so she could watch it again.  I was more than happy to oblige.  Then we watched another version of "Pink" on MTV Live & Direct and she knew some of the words to it by then.  She said, "It's "Pink" again!"  I was having a blast!!!!!!!  After about an hour and a half of music and videos, I took her out to eat.  As soon as we got back, she said, "Can we play "Dude Looks Like A Lady"?  I was like, "Sure!" and we played it probably three times over.  When she was through listening, she was ready to watch Nickelodeon!  What a hoot!!  While she was watching a couple shows on that, I was looking through some of my AF1 stuff and here she comes!  "What's that?"  I told her I belonged to the fanclub and she said, "Did you meet him?"  I said, "No, but maybe one day."  Then I showed her my "Walk This Way" book and she wanted to see the pictures.  Every time we came to a picture with Steven in it, she would point to him (like it was a quiz)!!  She knew exactly which one was him.  As we were leaving to take her home, she walked up to my "Steven Shrine" and said, "There's your man!"  I laughed and said, "I wish, Katlyn!"  She is DEFINITELY related to me!!  I look forward to her next visit.  

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