The begging of a wonderful day at school
YAY! A Riot!!
This is where he is gettting cornered..
They are after him now
Got em'

You have to ask yourself one question, do you feel lucky?
well, do ya? Punk.

I was driving down the road, when my friend Tanner noticed a bummper sticker on the cop car in front of us that read "My Gun Protects Your Rights" We thought it would be worth a closer picture, but..
This is what we get for thinking.

The foreign chick notices something on this guys face.
aye, you may beat us down at football, but YOU'LL NEVER TAKE OUR FREEDOM.. I mean OUR FACEPAINT!!

We are the children of the corn.
SUBWAY, the way a wreck should be.
Nothing like a good wreck to bring folks together.
Oh My God.. he's taking pictures... the nerve
His damage...
Her damage.. hahaha

Riddle me that, Riddle me this.. am i bad riddler, or just the catfish?

Burning people with laser eyesight is NOT a laughing matter, Jim Bob!
1 2 3, I see you!
okay, the chick fight was an interesting topic, but this is just going on a bit too long..

i said howdy
he said hi
Uhm.. you have something on your pencil.
One for all, and all for one... half
wow! what a complete suprise, someone did the crow!!!!!
smile, guy.
the ol' switch-a-roonie

jokes are funny.. well..
excpet, when you start going after the guy with a camera

no.. this is not plagerizing..


AWW! where'd this guy's face go!?!
This guy is armed and dangerous.. believe me, i know..
but, alas, it is only another assembly
Be forwarned, another demerit.. and you will end up just like this poor sap.

Panaramic photo.. kinda neat.. well, its really just my kitchen.

The begening of a work of art
The beging of the end of a work of art