Darkest Dreams Award


    1. First off, please sign the guestbook. It's not too difficult and it makes me feel like you at least looked at the site a little bit before applying.
    2. Sites being submitted should be original. This may mean personal poetry, graphics, or something along this generality. Most importantly, sites must be tasteful, beautiful, and pleasing to the eye.
    3. Sites do not have to be dark in nature, but they are preferred. But I will not accept sites containing: an over abundance of vulgarity; sites about satanism (sorry, not my preferrence;) nudity (some can be considered art, but not all;) racist remarks; hatred; sites that type LiKe ThIs AlL tHe TiMe (very annoying;) etc.
    4. Sites should be looked over to make sure spelling is correct and there are a minimal amount of broken links and graphic links. Not everyone is perfect, and even I have some links not working, but they should be minimal, meaning only a few on the whole site. And spelling is a big area. A few typos are okay, but they get annoying after a while.

If I do not respond within 1-2 weeks, it means you did not get the award, but you can feel free to apply again at a later date. Please do not be offended if you do not get the award, this is only a matter of opinion. **Note** Lately, as many people have surely noticed, I have been putting submissions off. I do have them all still, and will be going through them shortly. If you have not received an award, it may be that I have not gotten to it. Sorry for the delay.

Have an award that you offer? Think I deserve it?? I find myself going back to a lot of my winner's pages months later to see they offer awards and would be greatly humbled to receive awards without having to apply. =) You could also add your site to the top 50. *hint hint*

award #1 award #2 award #3 award #4 award #5 award #6 award #7

Response-O-Matic Form
Your name:

Email address:


URL's Title:
Which award do you prefer?
Would you like the award to say "Presented To:" with your site name following?
Yes, please put my site name on the award.
No, thank you, just black out "presented to."
Why do you deserve this award?


If the form is not working or you want to be on the safe side, just e-mail me your name, site URL, and the award you would like.

Past Winners

*~Insight~*     *~Behind The Mirror~*     *~Blackened Tears~*     *~Meticulously Written~*
*~Mental Ward~*     *~Silent Screams~*     *~Glitter & Dust~*     *~More Innocent Than I~*
*~Darkest Dreamers~*     *~Dream In Darkness~*     *~Inspire The Desire~*     *~Admired By Few~*
*~Bound In Chains~*     *~Vicious Circles~*     *~Your Signature~*     *~Other's Signatures~*
*~Thoughts Held True~*

**HINT** To see a description of each link, make sure your status bar is ON and hold the mouse over the link text. The name, followed by what the page is about, should appear.