Original photo before rendering © by Cyber Cemetery

AVIA (Australian Vampire Information Association)- Info., links, and more on vampires. An excellent site to go to on a dark evening.

Body Modification E-zine -Excellent pics. and info. on piercings, scarification, tatoos, and more.

Carpe Noctem-Gothic magazine.

Gothic Creations-Online store for gothic and Halloween needs.

Kabalarian Philosophy-Find out what's in your name...very interesting site.

Souls In Stone-Another exquisite site if you are looking for cemetery pictures. Wonderful layout and photos.

Spinner.com-Over 120 music channels, including killer Goth and Trance channels!!! Just like RealPlayer, but with their own player. I love it!

Gothic-Rose: Destiny's Bitter-Sweet Seduction
It's not often I find truly beautiful sites that I reccommend going to, but this is one of them.

Dark Room Galleries

Drink Deeply and Dream
Another beautifully intriguing site. If you visit any of my links, visit Gothic-Rose and Memory_and_Dream.

Haunt World

Here are a few banners for anyone wanting to link to Darkest Dreams. The address to link to is http://www.oocities.org/angel_of_goth . Sorry for those of you who were using darkestdreams.net, but the site name was free for one year and I can't get it back without paying.


*~Insight~*     *~Behind The Mirror~*     *~Blackened Tears~*     *~Meticulously Written~*
*~Mental Ward~*     *~Silent Screams~*     *~Glitter & Dust~*     *~More Innocent Than I~*
*~Darkest Dreamers~*     *~Dream In Darkness~*     *~Inspire The Desire~*     *~Admired By Few~*
*~Bound In Chains~*     *~Vicious Circles~*     *~Grasp The Light~*     *~Twirl In Blackness~*
*~Thoughts Held True~*

**HINT** To see a description of each link, make sure your status bar is ON and hold the mouse over the link text. The name, followed by what the page is about, should appear.