Review by Me 
Please send any comments to me! *L*

Hey all!!!  Well, I know you've seen tons of these thus far, but here's
my review of my first Oasis concert and my Oasis day!! (January 15th)

I took the 11:30 train from Oakville to Toronto (by myself!!  *L*)
and then took the wrong subway to Queen St (wrong end of!) and made
a quick stop in at Tower Records to pick up the All Around The World
single (they've got tons!).  It's amazing.  I then walked up Queen St.
to the Much Music building and found about 20 other Oasis fans already
waiting there in the freezing cold!! Among them I met Erin, Shajon,
Amanda, and Megan from the list! =) Very kewl! That's the first time
I've ever met anybody from the net before!  
Erin got on TV.  I was right beside her! *L*

We waited there for about 3 1/2hrs out in the freezing cold in total.
I swear my toes were non-existent after about 2hrs! *L*
Damn bastards at Much didn't let us in tho!!!  They just kept making
us line up on different sides of the doorway and yelling at us for
"blocking the sidewalk!"  yeah, who cares. *L*

I'm guessing the crowd reached about 200-250 people but I'm never
very good with estimates. =)  And out of these 200 people, they only
let about 25 in the building!! Argh!! And no, I wasn't one of em..
damn it all!!!!!  I didn't even get to see Noel live!! Like, I saw
him on TV cos there were monitors facing out towards the street, but
I never actually saw him at all in the building!!  
That's alright, I was still kinda fun....well, coulda
been warmer!!!  The crowd at one point started singing any Oasis song
that they could think of......that was kinda cool.  Funny how many
people really can't carry a tune! *L* jk
And Erin and I listened to her Oasis mix tape for a bit so that was
kewl.  She had a dead cool sign with her too, that we took turns
holding up, but I'm not gonna take any credit for that...I'll let
her tell you about it!! =)

We finally gave up after Noel left (around 4pm) and then I had to
catch the next train back to Oakville.  I didn't get back into
Oakville until 5:30 cos the damn subway was experiencing an 
"extended waiting period"  Yeah, define extended! *L*

It was really kinda pointless for me to go back to Oakville!
I should have just told my friends who were coming to the concert
with me to meet me at Union Station, but noooo! *L*
I got back to Milton (my town) at 6pm....and our goal had been to
catch the 6:30 train back in Oakville!!!! Needless to say, that
didn't happen, mainly on account of the horrible road conditions
that day.  So instead, we caught the 7:30 train, and as a result
missed Cornershop.  Ah well. *L*

There was supposed to be 4 of us going, me, my boyfriend Chris, my
friend Sarah, and my best friend Erin, but Erin got in a car accident
and totaled her car so needless to say, she didn't come!!  Thankfully
tho, she wasn't hurt.  Unfortunately, this meant that we had an extra
ticket.  It's not that any of my friends didn't want to go, it's just
that it was really short notice and nobody really had an extra $40!!
We ended up not even scalping the ticket as scalpers already had too
many on their hands!! Now we're out $40 but hey, what can ya do, right?

We got to Maple Leaf Gardens and our seats like 5 minutes before the 
band came on.  It was amazing!! That's basically all I can say!!  I've 
heard people complaining that the show was too short, and altho, yeah, 
it did seem kinda short, they played for 90mins, the usual time for a 
concert. I really loved Noel's acoustic set, and my boyfriend made the 
comment to me after that he didn't realize that Noel had such an amazing 
voice! He was totally impressed!!!  Noel's cover of the Jam's 'To Be 
Someone' was brilliant!! I'd never heard the song before but I'm now 
tempted to go out and buy the album!!
I also have heard others complaining about only 1 encore and lack of
All Around The World, but I don't mind.  I think the reason that they
don't play AATW is because I don't think it would sound very good w/o
their orchestra and they don't wanna lug them around! *L*  It's not
exactly a song that can be done acoustically either, kinda ruins the

The boys were in a good mood that night, I think.  We had spoken to
a security guard after Noel's interview at Much and he said that
at first Noel wasn't gonna do any of the stuff like letting fans in
or signing autographs when he first got there cos he wasn't feeling
very well, but he then said that Noel changed his mind when he saw
all of the fans out there and by the end of the interview he was in
a really good mood.  The guard also made the comment that most bands
that come through the Toronto area really like the fans from here and
Canadian fans in general (I'm not trying to start anything here,
he said it! *L*)

I had pretty crappy seats for the concert, but I'm happy I was there
at least.  And I wore my Man City jersey thinking that I would be 
the only one, but the guy in the row ahead of me and two people over
had one on too!! I felt really dumb! *L* Ah well.  =)

One of my friends at school had general admission/floor tix and she
got to the Gardens at 8am Thursday morning and sat there until the doors
opened at 6:30!! She said it was definitely worth it tho as she was
at the front and she got all these kick-ass pics of Liam and Noel! She's
making poor, deprived me, doubles! *L*  She also got Noel's guitar pick
at the end of the show when he threw it out into the crowd!!!!  She had
to bite some guy for it but......*L*  Damn, I'm so jealous!!!  She also
had Graham's guitar pick and Damon's water bottle from a show we went to
earlier this year!!!!!! (Blur.....)

The concert ended at about 10:20, thankfully in just enough time for us
to get back to Union Station and catch our 10:43 train home.  Otherwise
we would have had to sit in Union until 12:13!!!  Believe me, it's not
fun.  I had to do it for the Backstreet Boys' concert I took my sister
too.........*shudder* Great, now I've brought back all those memories! 

So, all in all, that was my Oasis day!!!  God I was tired! *L*  My mom
made me go to school for 1st period the next day too!! Cruel eh!! *L*

And now, tonight, I'm heading back to the Gardens for an Our Lady Peace
concert!!!!!!!!  Geez, think I spend enuf time in T.O! *L* Not to 
mention a hell of a lot on public transport! *L*  Whatever....=)

OH yeah!!!! One other thing that made Thursday the best day of my life
(apart from my friend's accident thing....) I won a contest on the 
internet and I get to meet Our Lady Peace on Sunday (tomorrow)!!!!!
They're doing an on-line live chat thing from a secret location and 
it's being broadcast (video) over the net and I get to go and watch 
and ask them some questions!!!!  Amazing eh!! =)  If any of you
like the band and wanna see this or participate in it, whatever,
go to their official page at at 5pm on
Sunday (January 18th). 
If you watch any of the footage, you might see me, I'll be the one in 
the red, v-neck sweater and blue jeans with brown shoulder length hair!!
Ahh! I can't wait!! =)  

N-e-wayz, well, I definitely think that I've written enuf for this post! 
Sorry that it was so long, it was my first time seein' em and all.... =)

I welcome any comment/criticisms...*L*


"There's nothing wrong in my world, these things they really don't
matter now" - Noel 'Flashbax'


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