Welcome to my homepage!  For some of you, this is your first visit and for others this is a long     awaited visit from months prior.  I am happy to have my site up and running again.  If you see any dead links or any other problems, feel free to e-mail me so I can fix it.  I greatly appreciate your visit and I hope you enjoy your stay.

Click on the items below to check out my different categories.

Whenever you see a hover button like this: (move your arrow on the graphic) that means you can click on it and it will either take you back to the page you were previously at, or in some cases (like below) takes you to another area.  So make sure to watch for them!  Enjoy!





Do you want free merchandise from your favorite band? Plus autographed memorabilia? 

Click here!


Below I have made a link to my other web site creation, Nostalgic Reflections.  This business reproduces custom parts for antique vehicles and is based out of Verdale, Washington.  I have created a photo catalog which allows customers to browse all types of parts from bike badges, medallions, to decals and plates.  If you are at all interested, please take a look!  




Note:  My guest book use was recently terminated, so I had to re-insert all entries into my new guest book.  So if you're wondering why all the entries are so new and close together, that's why!



[Guestbook by TheGuestBook.com



If you would like to link to my page, I have provided a link below for you to use.  Please contact me by e-mail to let me know you are interested in doing so.  Do not take without asking!  Thanks!   


This site has been a creation of 

**Shimmer Stabbing Zen** 2000.  All rights reserved.