The Pilot of the Airwaves
Alumni of Bridgewater State College and it's Very Own Radio Station, 91.5 WBIM in Bridgewater, Massachusetts.
B.A. in History
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I am the One and Only Pilot of the Airwaves. I had the good fortune to host a radio show of 80s music on WBIM 91.5, the radio staion of Bridgewater State College, while I went there. After graduation I worked as an employment specialist in a vocational center for developmentally disabled adults. Unfortunately, the funding for my position was about to be cut off, and the pay wasn't enough to live off of (it was really suited to someone trying to earn a second income but who wasn't a primary bread-winner) so I took the initiative and went back to the private sector. Now I am... take a deep breath... a consultant working on a government contract. My job, just like Hermes Conrad on Futurama, is to nitpick the details. "You are technically correct! That's the best kind of correct!" I've been writing on the side, and hope to get published soon. None of this publising on the web for free stuff for me, I'm going to get paid for it! I hope...
See my special page on getting better AM radio reception!
See my Weather Page with links to good weather resources and a few do-it-yourself weather forecasting resources!
A Fantastic 9/11 Page!
Click HERE. but be patient, it loads a 7 MB file first before it starts the presentation, so if you have dial-up, perhaps you might try it on another computer with at least DSL or a Cable Modem.
Be Informed!
I believe there is a certain amount of bias in the news media, so in the interest of balancing the news you may read, here are some alternative news sources. Give them a read with an open mind...
And remember one other thing. I'm telling you up front that these are mostly conservative sources of news and commentary. One of the history teachers that I respected back at my high school used to tell his students (and I'm paraphrasing), "I'm telling you this is my opinion, so you know where I'm coming from, and you don't have to agree with me. Some teachers don't tell you that something is an opinion, and let you believe it's the truth instead of an opinion."
So in the interest of balancing what I believe is a bias in the media, here are some other sources to look at:
- The Washington Times leans toward the conservative point of view. Find out what CNN, MSNBC and the broadcast networks aren't telling you. Read analysis and commentary from a different point of view, think it over for yourself, and come to your own conclusions.
- Fox News is a cable news channel that claims to be "fair and balanced." I think they make a good effort at it. Yes, they have a reputation for being conservative, but you can just as easily see liberal commentators on their shows. You can decide for yourself if they are fair and balanced, but as it's beating CNN and MSNBC in the ratings, they may be more in tune with the mainstream of America.
- The Drudge Report News and analysis that brings you insight on the issues before they are even noticed by many media sources, and gives you the story behind the story that many liberal media sources don't give you. Although he comes from a conservative perspective, he includes links to mainstream media sources.
- DEBKA is an Israeli source of news and analysis that focuses on the Middle East and terrorism. They go into detail, and cover stories that the American news media don't. So check out DEBKA. They know where the bear is.
- U.S. Department of Defense Official Web Site is the official source for news and information on topics from the War on Terror to the latest happenings in Iraq to what's going on here in the states with the Military. From their page of links to DoD Web Sites you can also go straight to the web sites of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, the Pentagon, and other organizations keeping America safe and secure. Find out the successes that the newspapers, CNN, MSNBC and the Broadcast Networks don't tell you about.
- The National Review Online is a conservative by-weekly magazine, and a source of news and opinion from a conservative point of view.
Conspiracy? Heard it on the Internet? Get the Facts!
There are lots of conspiracy theories floating around out there. The world is confusing and interesting enough without believing strange things.
And what about those e-mails you get forwarded to you by a friend that has been forwarded over and over before it reached you that claim this or that happened, or give you warnings about things?
Here are some links that debunk some popular conspiracy theories and Internet Urban Myths:
- Urban Legends Reference Pages is a page that lets you look up whether many of the stories in those e-mail forwards is true, possibly true, or false.
- The Kennedy Assassination Home Page is a web site devoted to debunking the theory that there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. I used to believe there was a conspiracy. I read the books, listened to the talk shows, and so on. Then I found this web site. The more I read, the more I realized that there was no conspiracy. Now I subscribe to the "Dual Nut" theory. This is the theory that Lee Harvey Oswald was a nut who shot JFK, then Jack Ruby was a nut who shot Oswald.
- Clavius Moon Base is a site that goes into great detail to debunk the theory that we never really went to the moon. This particular conspiracy theory puzzles me. We went to the moon. Most of my friends and co-workers know that, too. Everyone knows that, don't they? Yet there are a growing number of people who seem to think that NASA faked the whole thing. It's absurd in a way that there have to be people to defend this historical event, but considering the energy the conspiracy theorists are spending, someone has to point out the holes in their arguments.
- Bad Astronomy.com is another site that examines the conspiracy theory, going into less detail than the Clavius organization, and with links to other sites.
- BadAstronomy.com The Bad Astronomy web site is great source for learing about the misconceptions, bad information and myths out there concering space and space exploration. Replace your misunderstandings with the correct facts! Impress your friends and be the life of the party with your knowledge!
- Refuting the 9/11 Conspircy Theories is a site that links to articles about some of the conspiracy theories that have come up about 9/11.
Learn Things!
Ever wonder about how something worked, or why something is the way it is? Here are some educational web sites:
- Howstuffworks.com This is a great site to explore to learn how everyting from high technology to every day devices work.
- The Straight Dope is a daily column by Chicago Reader columnist Cecil Adams and his crew. They field questions about nearly every subject under the sun and get, well, the Straight Dope on the subject. The site includes a searchable archive that is well worth diving into. Warning: Some of the articles cover adult subjects such as human sexuality and deviant behavior.
The Humor and Fun page is hoplessly out of date, and full of dead links. I'll be re-working this page over time.
Look for Calvin and Hobbes, The Simpsons, Jokes, Gilligan's Island, Lost in Space, Star Trek and Adult Beverages
The History Net, Celtic and Irish History, The JFK Assassination, Free Speech, Gangsters
Tips and info on getting better radio reception, and links to other radio sites, including Ham radio.
You can E-Mail the Pilot of the Airwaves at:
pilot80(at symbol)hotmail.com
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To e-mail, open your e-mail program of choice and enter pilot80 at hotmail dot com. The funny way I've written this is to prevent web spiders from capturing the address for spam. I don't like spam.
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