My Humble Opinions On What To Read...

"The Intro"

Above is the cover to one of my favourite books, by one of my favourite authors, Douglas Coupland. Although I do not read as much as I used to, I still read quite a lot, especially certain authors. I would have to give honourable mentions to the aforementioned Coupland, but also Irvine Welsh, along with Iain Banks, maybe Jay McInerney and if you have a strong stomach Brett Easton Ellis ! I can also recommend books I have read, books I am reading and books about films music, even books about books ! Like all my other pages, if you disagree or feel I have missed something out, then feel free to email me to sort it out !!

"The Fiction Factory"

There are so many good books around. I doubt if you read every day of your life you would get through everything worth reading. After all, books have been written for centuries, and if you walk into a bookshop, you will see each week a couple of new titles that look quite interesting. I love fiction - it is a great menas of escape from the humdrum and a rare opportunity to get an insight into someone else`s mind. As I have done with the "music" page, I will list what I feel is a selection of the best books around. Some you will like, others you will hate, but all are books that have interested or excited me over the years. I will start with my favourite book ever..

COLIN MACINNES "Absolute Beginners":

"It was with the advent of the Laurie London era that I realised the whole teenage epic was tottering to doom".

So starts "Absolute Beginners", the book that has had the biggest influence on me ever ! If I have read it once, I have read it 20 times. Written in the mid 50`s, it still has a vitality today. Many of it`s themes are just as relevant today. Sadly, a poor filmed version of the book has took the tarnish of the book`s reputation, but if you haven`t read it, ignore the film, get the book. It will probably be the best fiver you ever spend !!


The book that explained computers, email, the internet and it`s relevance in the modern world better than any number of science books or TV documentaries. It is a book that is about so much more though. His classic is the prophetic "Generation X", but also read "Shampoo Planet" and the brilliant collection of stories called "Life After God". Another classic is no doubt being written as we speak !!

IAIN BANKS "The Bridge":

Possibly the oddest book I have ever read. I will not give away the plot in case you decide to read it. Suffice to say, it only becomes clear right at the end. His other books run it a close second...."Complicity" is a classic whodunnit, as is "The Crow Road". Pick up any.....you will not be disappointed.

IRVINE WELSH "Marabou Stork Nightmares"

I think this is his best novel. he has written some hit and miss stuff really, and seems to rely on something of a formula at times, but this book has everything......including quite a shocking ending. And hey....it also mentions Bolton, which is pretty good for a novel set in Scotland !! If you are an Irvine Welsh fan, check out Martin Mansell`s Homepage for a variation on Irvine Welsh`s stuff. He is very proud of it !!

"Books About Music !!"

There are very few good books about music. I guess it is easy to make a fast book with some crappy book about the flavour of the month. But scrape the surface and there are good music books.....well some !! Here are a few examples to back up the point:


A book about the Kinks in the 60`s written as a novel by someone who not only has the talent to write great songs, but to write a good book too. Also recommended (though I haven`t finished it yet) is "Waterloo Sunset" by the same author. Who said musicians should stick to music ???

JON SAVAGE "England`s Dreaming":

Possibly the best non fiction book I have read. It is the history of the Sex Pistols and punk that begins with Malcolm McLaren in the 60`s and goes through to the formation of the Pistols, and their demise. It also covers all the other bands around aqt the time, and has a full punk discography from the period. A massive book, some great pictures, it will keep you going for ages !!

PAOLO HEWITT "The Jam - A Beat Concerto":

A decent book on the best band ever by Paul Weller`s "great mate". Because of this, there is very little negativity (obviously) aprt from some criticism about Foxton and Butler. The "Capuccino Kid" (his nickname) has also written a good Small Faces book called "The Young Mods Forgotten Story" which is worth finding, an abysmal (allegedly) Oasis book and an even worse novel called "Heaven`s Promise"....avoid it !!


A bizarre picture and not a lot of text book about Mods in the 60`s. Made up of old newspaper cuttings and photos from the middle 60`s, it shows what it was like to be part of the most important British youth cult ever. Sadly, a number of people still use these stereotypes to play out the Mod image. If you see someone in a parka, do them a favour......laugh at them !

GARETH BROWN "Scooter Boys":

A great history of the scooter from the 50`s to the 90`s, now updated or the 90`s with a few pics of current scooter afficianados (Gallaghers, OCS and Weller)to tempt in a younger and wider audience. A great book....buy it !!

"Books That Are Hard To Categorise !"

Some books are hard to classify, they are a bit of a few things !! Here are some such books, hard to classify, but just as hard to put down !!


I never knew a book of this existed until Mr Mansell appeared with it one day. I still have his copy (whoops !!). Anyway, it was great to find the book at the same time as I was looking for the video. I read the whole thing in 2 days. The story of a young Berliner who falls into drugs and eventually prostitution to pay for it, it shows the pain you have to go through to kick a drug habit and the suffering one causes. It is more in depth than the film and is both a shocking and moving read. Certainly puts you off trying heroin !! I finally got a copy of the video (thanks kate !!) but then we changed our VCR and as it is American format, I cannot play it anymore !! If only I could find a VHS version.

RICHARD ALLEN "The Complete...":

Not sure what you would class the work of Richard Allen under. His books are fiction, but use backgrounds of music and style to portray them. Now available again in collected form (6 volumes I think), the best (or worst - they are no literary classics !!) has to be volume 5, which collects together "Mod Rule", "Punk Rock" and "Dragon Skins". Most of the earlier volumes are about skinheads generally ("Suedehead", "Skinhead", "Bootboys"....you get the idea !!). Not to be taken seriously, but very entertaining !!

"Erm.....Currently Reading ?"

Not been reading much recently, but if I look around the floor, I see a few half read books lying around ! These are:


A book I borrowed agesago, just got round to reading it, it is a pretty depressing tale, but very well written. Was this Curt Cobain`s favourite book ? No wonder he got depressed a lot.

RAY DAVIES "Waterloo Sunset":

Read about 5 pages of this, so I haven`t really formed an opinion of it yet. Still, it is a signed copy, the man is a genius, it is bound to be great !!

JEFF GOMEZ "Our Noise":

I have been reading this for months. It started out as a typical tale of small town life with a bunch of twenty somethings etc etc then got terminally boring !! I am determined to finish it though....I paid good money for it !!

ALBERT CAMUS "The Outsider":

Sorry Martin....read the first 3 pages and it was so depressing I couldn`t be bothered with it. I know it is a classic, but I prefer something a bit lighter !!


It`s great......it has scooters.....it has music reviews.....it has book reviews....it has a section called "Reader`s Scooters". What else could you want in a magazine ?


Well.....the reason for thissection is to share what I like to read and what I am reading. Anyone who has any recommendations can email me and I will put them on here. I am always looking for new things to read. If I could have one book only to take with me to a desert island it would have to be "Absolute Beginners". I have read my copy so much I had to go out and buy another !! And one line in the book sums it up....

"...I swore by Elvis and all the saints that this last teenage year of mine was going to be a real rave. Yes, man, come whatever, this last year of the teenage dream I was out for kicks and fantasy."

There are some great links embedded in the text above. In case you missed any, here they are in list form.
David Walker

Copyright © 1997 David Walker
This Home Page was created Sunday,21st September 1997

This site is owned by David Walker....Who fan extraordinaire !.