What I like......and what I don`t......

"Bit Of An Intro...."

This section is currently undergoing slight changes. I wasn`t too keen on the layout, and I have more definite ideas on what I want in here. Basically, it will be a "what I like" page, with abuse to bands I hate as well (Ocean Colour Scene....you`re gonna get it !!). However, to keep with the spirit of the sight, I will also try and keep it current - listing great new albums, any bands that are playing Bolton, or even the surrounding areas. Any suggestions for improvements will be gratefully accepted !!


I suppose all lists or top 10`s are subjective, so I am not going to pretend that this list has any sort of meaning to anyone except me. However, you will get a better understanding of what I like. Well, currently like - those of you who know me will know that my likes / dislikes change almost weekly !! I do think that the following albums have always been, since I first heard them, some of my most played LP`s or CD`s. If you haven`t heard them, then poor you. You are definitely missing out. Click on the band name (the one in purple) to go to a top website of each band.

THE BEATLES "Rubber Soul":

I don`t like The Beatles early stuff.....a bit too poppy and twee for my liking. I don`t like the Beatles later stuff much either.....a bit too pretentious and "hippy" I would have to say. But in the middle ? Woah, in the middle, they made some brilliant albums. My favourite 3 albums are "Help", "Revolver" and "Rubber Soul". The third of these is just frighteningly good. Great songs, well produced. Don`t take my word for it....GO BUY IT !!

THE WHO "Who`s Next":

Talking of the sixties leads me to the other great band of the decade. But amazingly it took them until 1971 to make their truly great album. That is not to say the others aren`t great, they are.....just not as great. Do like I did and buy all The Who albums on CD, you will not be disappointed ! Well, apart from "Face Dances" anyway !


I read the other day that Bowie didn`t make a good album after 1974. Yeah. Right. The "Berlin Period" was Bowie`s golden age and along with "Low" you have to say "Heroes" is an absolute classic ! The song itself is brilliant, the whole thing (in part a tribute to Kraftwerk) is a work of art. Play loudly whilst travelling on the U-bahn in Berlin !!

THE JAM "The Gift":

The following 2 albums you will either love or hate. I have found that you always have an opinion on Paul Weller. Dadrock or Mod God ? I would go for the latter. One of my all time heroes, writer of some of the best songs ever written. An easy target, but when you are at the top, people want to knock you down. "The Gift" is my favourite Jam album. Not the most poular, but as a collection of songs, I think it holds together better than any of the others. But buy them all. Then buy the boxset. Then all the Style Council albums. Then the solo stuff. Your life will be more fulfilled !!

PAUL WELLER "Wildwood"

Paul Weller`s solo career has been a bit "up and down" in my opinion. A great first album, a classic second and a couple of dodgy releases to follow. I don`t really like "Stanley Road" or "Heavy Soul". Maybe too much time in the company of those plagiaristic chancers Ocean Colour Scene has had a detrimental effect. Who knows ? Though saying that, there are still glimpses of a genius in both albums. However, "Wildwood" is a classic. Every song is a great song, sung with feeling and oozing style. Will this be his last great moment ? Who knows ? Buy it just in case it is.

If you are at all interested in Paul Weller then the place to buy any albums/rarities/bootlegs and memorabilia is at the BAT Mail Order Homepage. Every Weller fan`s dream and good prices too. Additionally, if you want the excellent "Boys About Town" fanzine, the try the BAT Publishing Homepage. David and Paula are so generous, they will even send you a free sample copy so you can see what you are getting. Now where do you get value like that in this day and age ?

"Scoot Off...There`s A Top Band In The Area"

"All the best bands play in London....no one plays round here !!"

Not true !! The Manchester area has some cracking shows if you dig deep enough. Admittedly very few play Bolton, but is that surprising ? Perhaps if they build a venue it would be a start. But Manchester....well there are loads of places. Here are a few shows that are worth getting the bus for......


Thursday 13th: THE FALL (Manchester Sankey`s Soap)

Friday 14th: THE PASTELS (Manchester Night And Day)

Saturday 16th: SPARKLEHORSE (Manchester University)

Friday 28th: CHEMICAL BROTHERS (Manchester Apollo)


Monday 1st: MR.T EXPERIENCE (Manchester Star And Garter)

Tuesday 2nd: TORTOISE (Manchester University)

Wednesday 10th: DELTA 72 (Manchester Star And Garter)

Friday 12th/Saturday 13th: PAUL WELLER (Manchester Apollo)

"PAUL WELLER.....Genius At Work"

Paul Weller - Jam frontman, founder of the criminally underrated Style Council and highly successful solo artist. Not a bad career to date ! As I stated earlier, in my opinion, his current material doesn`t stand up to past output. But saying that "Heavy Soul" is still better than a lot of albums released this year. The material also sounds better live - perhaps an indication that Weller`s "Inner Circle" of friends may be stifling his artistic abilities. There are a wealth of Weller resources on the net including the excellent Splinters Mailing List and the above mentioned BAT Homepage. Here are a few that have caught my eye.....


"Erm.....Currently Reading ?"

Not been reading much recently, but if I look around the floor, I see a few half read books lying around ! These are:


A book I borrowed agesago, just got round to reading it, it is a pretty depressing tale, but very well written. Was this Curt Cobain`s favourite book ? No wonder he got depressed a lot.

RAY DAVIES "Waterloo Sunset":

Read about 5 pages of this, so I haven`t really formed an opinion of it yet. Still, it is a signed copy, the man is a genius, it is bound to be great !!

JEFF GOMEZ "Our Noise":

I have been reading this for months. It started out as a typical tale of small town life with a bunch of twenty somethings etc etc then got terminally boring !! I am determined to finish it though....I paid good money for it !!

ALBERT CAMUS "The Outsider":

Sorry Martin....read the first 3 pages and it was so depressing I couldn`t be bothered with it. I know it is a classic, but I prefer something a bit lighter !!


It`s great......it has scooters.....it has music reviews.....it has book reviews....it has a section called "Reader`s Scooters". What else could you want in a magazine ?


Well.....the reason for thissection is to share what I like to read and what I am reading. Anyone who has any recommendations can email me and I will put them on here. I am always looking for new things to read. If I could have one book only to take with me to a desert island it would have to be "Absolute Beginners". I have read my copy so much I had to go out and buy another !! And one line in the book sums it up....

"...I swore by Elvis and all the saints that this last teenage year of mine was going to be a real rave. Yes, man, come whatever, this last year of the teenage dream I was out for kicks and fantasy."

There are a number of great musical links embedded in the above sections. In addition, here are a few more links that I couldn`t fit in, but are well worth a look.
David Walker

Copyright © 1997 David Walker
This Home Page was created Sunday,21st September 1997

This site is owned by David Walker.