Stevie Ray Vaughan

Hi and welcome to my little tribute to one of Rock-N-Rolls greatest legends, Stevie Ray Vaughan. Although SRV wasn't around as long as most of the artist's on my site he is and always will be a true legend in his own right.

Not since Jimi Hendrix has anyone in such a short amount of time made such a huge impact on the Rock-N-Roll and Blues scene.

Speaking of which, Stevie has been the only person I've ever heard who could imitate Jimi's music and sound. Just listen to SRV version of Voodoo Chile or Little Wing. Awesome!!!

Still nowhere near his prime SRV had much more to give us then we will ever know. At least we are fortunate enough that he had the chance to record enough material for all to enjoy and leave his small piece of Rock-N-Roll sound to influence other young musicians as so many did before him.

I hope you enjoyed stopping by. Not to much here on SRV, just my own little tribute. I hope as time permits I'll get more stuff about Stevie added on this page. Thanks again! NoQ













You Are # To Rock With SRV


The SRV Page
From The Desk Of "MARTHA VAUGHAN" SRV mom. Check out this site! There's also an e-mail address to SRV mom posted here.

The Stevie Ray Vaughan Memorial Scholarship Fund

Poetry of Uncle Joe Cook
Read some nice poems writen by Stevie's uncle "Joe Cook"

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