...the cycle collective
Cycle is Luca, Adriano and Stefano plus the
other members of OneFineDay and some friend.
The following is a list of some stuff we put out in
the last months and that's constantly increasing
since,lately, we've been able to sell it at gigs and by mail
and through useful trades...

Wood cd si out on Cycle and Green.

...il collettivo cycle
Cycle è composto da Luca, Adriano e Stefano, gli altri
componenti dei OneFineDay e qualche amico.
La seguente è una lista di materiale che abbiamo fatto
uscire negli ultimi mesi e che è in continuo aumento visto
che, in qualche modo, riusciamo a distribuirla, tramite
scambi, posta e concerti...

Wood cd è fuori su Cycle e Green.


ABSENCE . From The Bloodshed . seven inches (SOLD OUT)

GREED / REPRISAL . Split . seven inches (almost SOLD OUT)

ONEFINEDAY . Vladimir Ilich Ulianov's Failure . seven inches (SOLD OUT)

WOOD . [@#) . seven inches  (almost SOLD OUT)

ECORCHE .Same Title.twelve inches (it should have been a 10", but lenght problems turned it on a 12")

HARKONEN . Same Title . seven inches (split with Unjust Records U.S.A.)

Wood CD (split w/ Green Records, 1999)


Comp . CD benefit for Sexual Violence Victims Shelterin Italy,with JR Ewing, Hebriana, Officer Down,
OneFineDay, Wood, Ecorche, Eversor, Not waving but drawing etc... (early 2000)

Encyclopedia of American Traitors full CD anthology, no need comments... (early 2000)

Walt Lariat full CD, from U.S.A., Indie Rock as Hell. ( early 2000)

Bluid 6" or 5" ( Fenruary 2000)


Here you should have found the Officer Down CD, but it won't get out for Cycle so...
Handrail CD (split w/ Green records, 1999)

LickGoldenSky full cd, member of Turmoil from NJ, but in the vein of Jesuit  (March 2000)  

other stuff... like Blacksimth (members of Burning Defeat) 7"

Bobby Peru MCD or 10" ( march 2000)

sold out

OUTLET Fanzine - issue #0
absence - congress - despair

OUTLET Fanzine - issue #1
catharsis - grievance - phyte records

still available

CYCLE Newsletter - issue #2
botch - day of suffering, only in Italian.


Cycle newsletter iItalian/English, cool printing, Free.

Cycle Party Organ issue #1, with interviews, reviews, lots of stuff, Free. 


the following stickers are small and on silver.


the following stickers are available in two different colors each.

new ! (two colors)

new ! (two colors)

new !(two colors)

new ! (two colors)

ask for pins, patches and shirts...

Label - Bands - Fanzine - Distribution - Photos - Index
Links - Miscellaneous - OneFineDay - Introduction