the former most feared man in rock and roll and still a legend to this day...


this interview was done while he was incarcerated in Jackson State Penitentary sometime in 1992.

this is not for the weak of heart or christian coalitionists.

SP: What are you in prison for?

GG #206045: Because of the war I have waged against society through my rock and roll mission. Because I can generate my own visions and live my own fucking laws. They fear the realities in which I live because I am in touch with my inner demons and run wild with them without fear. They know I'm the real motherfucking non-conformist who cannot be bought and sold... not a puppet of the industry. I'm the real one man army warrior. That's the bottom line as to why I am in prison.

SP: Why did you go on Geraldo?

206045: Geraldo's producer called for us to be on the show. I went on to say what i fucking had to say. I don't cahnge for anybody. But I knew my appearance would piss off a lot of people. So that's why I went on. When you see the show you'l know what I mean.

SP: What gave you your ideas? What made you, you?

206045: My fucking chaotic life and desires of lawlessness.

SP: Why hasn't anyone killed you yet? Enough people hate you.

206045: I have had threats on my life for the past 10-15 years, but I'm still out there in the battle zone. Most people are all fucking talk. So if anyone tells you they plan to kill me tell them I'll see them on the road in '93. I'll be fucking ready, will they?

SP: Whatever happened to that girl you set fire to? Was it true?

206045: Yes, and who gives a fuck happened to that useless cunt. You play with GG Allin and put yourself on the GG Allin alter, then you better be ready to burn with the master of diabolical deeds.

SP: Explain your mission.

206045: Revolution. Destroy those in the power seats. Destroy those who are trying to institutuionalize rock and roll. I want to return the rock and roll underground to its original purpose... to be a dangerous threat to society and law, a terrorism toward morals and values that are forced upon us by the legal system and those who try to brainwash us from birth. Destroy rock and roll as it stands now and rebuild it in the name of GG Allin.

SP: What are your plans when you are released?

206045: Revenge. To take the GG Allin mission back on the road and to the streets. To create havok, chaos, violence, destruction. A war if you will. The blood must be spilled in the name of GG allin rock and roll revolution. It has to be fucking real.

SP: What's the most fucked up incident to happen to you?

206045: Nothing to me is a fucked up incident. Everything that happens to me just makes me stronger. I seek tragic situations. I accelerate danger. I put myself through through torture every fucking day. That's why I can face any situation I am confronted with.

SP: Last words? It's time to fucking wake up and realize that my mission is the only fucking real rock and roll mission that really does matter if we are to remain the true non-conformist rebels that our goverment seeks to destroy. We must be willing to stand up and fight. It's better to die standing than to live on your knees.

GG ALLIN died in 1993 after a night of boozing and heroin. In true rock star fashion. No one killed him, suicide was not the case. This was not in true GG ALLIN fashion, and certainly not how he would have wanted it. But this is how it happened, you be the judge, was he a genius or a lunatic, or both.