Welcome to My Poetry Page

As a writer/poet and an English major I am always intrigued by the thought process that goes behind writing. I include here most of my works however good bad incomplete they are. I also have some "bios" on some of the peices to help give you a better understanding on my thoughts behind the particular peice. Enjoy.
[Untitled [Black] [To Love Someone is to be Blinded by Someone] [So What?] [My Car] [Alone?] [Man With a Crooked Neck] [Warm Summer Day] [Song] [Song Without Words]


Written 1/17/01 Updated 2/6/01

This poem I wrote the day after my father died suddenly. I was on a plane going home and this is one of a few poems I wrote that day in the sky. This is the first one I wrote. I haven't written about my Dad since this day.

Pure white for miles

right next door to God

I left my heart behind

I'll pick up the parts later

My Dad is here

I'd like to stop and say "Hello"

or even "Good-bye"


It took me 4 months to write this fall of 2000. I changed it 3 times, twice I re-wrote the whole poem, only salvaging some key words and phrases. I feel it is almost at completeness. Close enough for me right now. :)

A Mexican stands

with black stained hands

in his pockets.

He grips a bottle of black labeled Bourbon

and with a grin says

“Fuck the world.”

His mind has become black

from the fact that

for all the work he does

with those hidden black hands

he has nothing to offer

to his family,

not even to himself.

Even Jesus, son of a tradesman,

had something to offer

at the Last Supper.

Instead, the Mexican stands and suffers

and waits for some white man to gather him up.

Work from the black of morning

Work until the black of night

Work until the black of death.

Why should he care

when the black of night, and sleep, and death

will eventually visit him

like the white man coming to round him up

and bury his dreams

into the blackness of this earth?

To Love Someone is to be Blinded by Someone

This poem was a play with "end rhyme" and it turned out to be a favorite poem of mine. I actually read it in a poetry reading.

“My you have such pretty eyes.”

I think, pretty as Blue Butterfly peonies

in spring. So I give her a rose,

a red one. It’s how my love shows

through my shyness. Like a shroud,

clean and pure, she blinds me in a cloud

of lies. Death comes to all,

I say. She’s there to see me fall

before the final credits. The critics all rave

As I suck it up, smile and wave.

So What

I may be lanky

I may be goofy

I may be timid

I may be sensative

I may be ugly

I may be weird

I may be quiet

I may be smart

I may be lazy

Well, So fucking what?!

My Car

First of all, it's a station wagon

The paint is chipping

The body has dents

and there is a bit of rust

The interior is grey

the seats are worn

and it smells like cigarettes

The floor is dirty

and the dashboard is warped

The tape deck doesn't work

and the seats are broken

People make fun and make little jokes

but Hey, it's my car

and that's all that matters.

Man With a Crooked Neck

he doesn't look at you when he talks,

he can't,

if he could he definately would.

he can't drive a car.

Why not?

he's got a crooked neck that's why!

he can't look straight ahead,

if he had a straight neck he would look straight,

but he can't because he's got a crooked neck.

It must really suck to be him,

to have a crooked neck.

It'd be difficult to write this story even,

or drive a car, or look a man in the eye.

Boy that sucks.

I kinda feel bad for the man with the crooked neck.



I came up with an image of a man sitting on a park bench as if I was watching him from afar. I scribbled a little picture into one of my notebooks during class and wrote this poem beside it. I haven't touched this poem since then, about 1 year ago. I feel the need to revise soon. I will add the drawing also shortly.

he sits alone on a park bench

but is he really alone?

he has the shade to keep him protected

it's silent and cool, comforting and understanding.

the wrustling of the leaves break the silence

like a soft whisper it sends chills down his neck

deep in the moment the sounds of birds and people

keep him anchored to reality.

And what about the empty spot on the bench?

it offers a seat to a stranger or acquantance

maybe it honors a lost friend or loved one.

Yes, the man sits by himself and ponders life

But he is not alone, he is not alone.


Warm Summer Day

Time rolls by this warm summer day

Tides comin' in Lord I wish I could stay

Gotta go back baby where I came

because of you I'll never be the same

Because of you I'll never be the same.

You changed my life,

Want you as my wife,

But I gotta go back honey where I came,

I gotta go back baby where I came.

The day's grown dark, silent, and cold

take my hand babe you can hold

onto my heart

right from the start

I knew you'd change my life this warm summer day.

I got me lady she loves me

back home in her arms I must be

Back home in her arms I must be.

Now I must leave you baby don't be sad

because of you I can be real glad

because you changed my life this warm summer day

Oh yea honey, you changed my life this warm summer day.



Alone in a world where love is so blind,

searching for something he knew he could find.

Doesn't know where, when, how, or why?

Hoping to get there before he dies.

Grew up in a life of shattered dreams

Full of empty promises so it seemed.

Battered and beaten left him wondering why?

Looking for answers he'd reach to the sky.

His mother told him "Someday you will be a man,"

"Get your things together leave as fast as you can."

"Don't worry 'bout me, son, I'll be fine,"

"You're father won't notice drunk on that cheap old wine."

The day finally came when he could leave that place

knew things were better from the look on mother's face

I'll head out west find a job and settle in

find a lovely lady whose heart I can win.

As the years rolled on things were lookin' good

didn't know his soulmate was in the bar that he stood.

She was lookin' at him, he was lookin' at her

Strangely enough they knew who each other were.

She grew up in his town, went to the same school

Did the same things he did, hangin' out and bein' cool.

She came out West to escape her troubled past

Knew life with daddy just wouldn't last.

He looked at her with a smile on his face

"It's not you fault you had to leave without a trace."

They hung out that night, took a walk along the beach

as the waves crashed down he felt his love was in reach.

"Baby take my hand, our hearts can become one."

She said "Yes", they kissed, he had finally won

That same night they awoke to the ringing phone,

his father just said "Mom died, come home."

They packed their bags and left that mornin'

life was going good but it was suddenly torn.

He found himself returning to the place he had dread

visions of his childhood runnin' 'round in his head.

The funeral for Momma had been short and sweet

never looked at Pops as if they never did meet.

He knelt by her grave with his love by his side

broke down crying sheading tears he could not hide.

"I love you Momma" he whispered to her stone

It was the first time he felt he was actually home

Just then the clouds slowly went away

He looked at his woman said, "Maybe we should stay."

They got married later that same year

couldn't say their vows without sheading a tear.

They bought a nice house, had a little baby girl

He knew his momma was proud he could survive in this world.


Song Without Words

There are times when a song

sung without words

takes over your heart

makes right in your mind all that is wrong.

It comes in a brief, unexpected moment

yet it leaves an eternal feeling deep inside you.

It's a song with no name, no words to tell you

what the song is about, what it all means.

It's left up to you to give that song a name

it leaves just a feeling for you to sing.
