Heres what This Cutie has to Say

-" I don't wear calonge, I haven't for like, 2 years." he and nick give eachother a high five
-" Fruit of the loom."
-" Yesth Kevinth, telth uth what it'ths liketh"
-" ..I would someday like to have a daughter of my own."
-" AJ can't have too much free time because he'll get another tattoo or change his hair another color."
-" Yah, and it was freezing!"
-" You need a wife first..."
-" I played crappy until the last hole."
-" I added to it, so it's BIGGER!"
-" I wanna be a Backstreet Boy" in a high pitched voice imitating Aaron
-" Ooohh, I blew it!"
-" I'm ten pins from tieing AJ, so I have to get a strike"
-" AJ, is in the lead"
-" Booooo.."
-" It's good!!"
-" Looks like a field goal to me Bob"
-" Shhh..don't tell'em!"
-" Bread and Butter baby"
-" I look at Basketball as being as close to normal as we can get"
-" I like yah and all, but y'all gonna have to get out of the way"
-" I think being a Backstreet Boy is alot harder than people preseave it to be"
-" Take it easy, be safe right? Watch for fans"
- When Kevin goes "I was bought up to wait until marriage for sex" Brian replies by going "How old are you now Kev?"
-" I usually take the bar of soap with me from the hotels anyways *chuckle*"
- When asked if any of the guys are "fairies" Brian responds by going "Pwwfff..thanks for coming ladies and gentlemen" and pretends to stand up
-" Whoo, our big tour bus"
-" We've turned down a few contracts to do dolls"
-" We're at the point where we're trying to juggle our careers and our lives. Cuz our career is on a fast track and we're just trying to keep up"
-" It's nice to have quiet sometimes, and just flick the channels on the tv"
-" An' people called in to request and it's, 'Who? The Backstreet what?' "
-" It was inevitable that it was gonna make it back here cuz it was everywhere but here"
-" Hello to the world and McDonalds"
-" I don't want to sound modest but mine is The Perfect Fan because I love my mom"
-" It's, it's like coming out with Backstreets Back straight from the get go on the last album. As great of a song and symbolic for the group it might not have been the right choice straight off the bat. So Quit Playing Games blew up and it's a really radio loved record and that's when you come in with the, you know, the knock out punch *laughs*
-" Whoo, that was pretty was alright, it was our first time since.."
-" Might I show you the uh..Backstreet Boys drawers"
-" Shout outs to Pablo"
-" I need, I need a new mike"
-" We've got to have eachothers back and that's 3 albums now. It's alot to know"
-" I've been listening and breathing that"
-" I almost ruined my truck. I was driving down the road and Crrrrr right off the road"
-" *laughing* No, we don't go that far."
-" Howie has the harriest back."
-" I only have $20 in my wallet because my girlfriend has the rest."
-" Alrighty then back to you Bob "
-" I feel like a corncob right now "
-" It's Sumo-Rok "
-" Were not perfect "
-" I wan't to be crazy forever even when I am 80 "
-" They go on about how big my nostrils are and about sucking things up "
-" I wanna be just like Jim Carrey "
-" I guess I am a happy kinda guy, I see no point in being miserable "
-" I never dreamed of being a big star "
-" I am no different from anyone else "
-" Just Do It "
-" Slob, Slob,Slob "
" Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...Oh man
-" Geez Whiz Guys "
-" We gonna Go eat lunch "
-" It's Scuba-Rok "
-" He's a lunatic. He's just AJ I think he brings out the best in all of us. He's an awsome singer, just as Nick is, But AJ is an awsome singer "
-" He's like the little bro i never had "- bri on nick
-" I wanna start taking care of myself oh, and stop biting my nails
-" I'm married to these guys "
-" I have two scars where I had my appendix taken out but only people wo know me really well get to see them cause there at the bottem of my tummy!! "
-" I love Steak, Fries, and Salad "
-" Facts are facts you guys said 5mins and it has been 5mins and 35 seconds"
-" No I am not Gary Barlow "
-"I'm a real softy you know "
-"We all have very smelly feet"
-"When I've got an interview I'll always try to keep smiling and provide honest amswers"
-" You might as well be yourself if you want someone to fancy you"
-Hello Tor-onto!
-Mine wasn't that bad, even though it took the longest, I was bouncing around from hair, to make up to"-talking about his costume for Everybody[backstreets back]
-Hi, I'm Brian but you can call me b-rok cuz i'll be rockin your house..heheHA
-We told him a hundred times, your out of the band so STOP showin up for rehersal-mtv awrds
-Hi, How y'all doin?Y'all doin alright?
-Shhh...don't say nothin'
-and he came out and he was like this tall and I was like "Yo what up?" and he was like "Hey man whats goin' on?"
-"I think you've got to take life day by day, and the more humor you find in everyday things, then the happier you'll be. My grandmother on my dad's side is nearly eighty, but she looks like she's fifty and acts like she's thirty!"
-"One thing for sure, if Nick wasn't in the group, it just wouldn't be the same for me."
-"BEEP....... welcome to Long John Silvers this is Brian how may i help you?"
-"Facts are facts, you guys said 5 minutes and it's been 5 minutes and 35 seconds"

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