Dear Nick,

I read this interview on many many other web sites. It is really boring but towards the end it caught my eye:

What's something you wish people would stop saying about you?


I went on the internet one day and people were talking about me being overweight. I mean, I know I do kind of fluctuate with my weight and stuff...I'm really not that overweight for my size and my height and everything, but it really does hurt my feelings a lot when people say that. It's like, yeah, I really do have a stomach, but it's not like [that bad]..and people just kind of...I get picked on because of it.

>Do the guys ever give you a hard time about your weight?


[looks around and whispers] Yeah, they do.

It also goes on about how he inherited his dad's stomach and that no matter how much he tries, he can't get rid of it. Do you know that my heart sank when I read this. I got scared that Nick possibly surfs to all these humor sites and reads them! Imagine what he thinks of all of the people who make fun of him. How can he repsect us if we don't respect him? I feel very sad and behave on all the fans who are guilty of this, we know who we are, I would like to say


And Nick, if you ever do read this please accept my attempt at an apology. I feel bad and you know what? I think you look extremely good with those few extra pounds! You look hotter than ever before, might I say.

I'm not out here to dis the humor sites,either. It is after all....HUMOR....but let's cool it down just a tad because we now know Nick takes the humor seriously. I just hope Howie understands that we are only joking :o) . At least I am

So think before you tease Nick again, I know I will. Click here to go home