If you suffer from any of these signs, you might have Simpsonaholism.

Do you watch Simpsons to excess?
Do you watch Simpsons to forget your troubles?
Do you lie about watching the Simpsons?
Do you watch alone?
Has TV left you a mindless dribbling idiot?
Do you only speak to others in Simpsons sound bites?
Have you considered suicide when the Simpsons is preempted?
Are the other twenty-three to twenty-three and a half hours of your day agony?
Do you "lose control"?
Are you seeing double?
Are you seeing double?

If you think you're addicted, you probably are. And that's ok. That's great, as a matter of fact! Here at Simpsonaholics Anonymous I have everything you need to feed your addiction to the Simpsons during the times you can't see them on tv, from pictures for the eyes, to sounds for the ears, to quotes and a contest for the mind. And I'm not only the President, I'm also a patient! You're not alone, at Simpsonaholics Anonymous.

If you don't get help today, please, come back tomorrow.

A Special note from me-
notice I italicized "special" to show just how special this note is. :)

Hello fellow Simpsonaholics! I'm really glad you've visited, and if you have been here before, came back. :)
Now I've done it. I made a promise that I couldn't keep. I said I would update my webpage over summer, and now I find myself in October, piled down with homework yet again. I feel a little guilty, but I won't be able to handle the quiz sections of my page... for instance: the simpsonaholics or the quiz contest. So the deal is, you can still write answers in to me, and I'll send you the correct answers. I won't deal with the awards or anything. I'll still update the questions and quotes of the week (which sort of turned into quotes of the year due to my procrastinating.) when I get a chance. I'm terribly sorry about this. Thanks for your understanding!


P.S.: Do you want to be notified if I DO update my page? Just put your e-mail address here:

Do me a favor and Sign my guestbook while you're here! :)

For those of you in no frames version, there is an index at the bottom of every page.

I practically live off this book... The Simpsons : A Complete Guide to Our Favorite Family Order it today with Amazon!
Want to buy more Simpsons books? More of any books? Of course you do! Click here!

Check out the New Stuff!

(Stuff that doesn't have a pretty button yet)

Sign up to be a patient at Simpsonaholics Anonymous!

-Click on the link to find out more!

Awards I've Won

Read THIS! It's hilarious!!! :)

Top 20 Simpsons Quotes!

We all know the Simpons are funny, but when it comes to being really funny- you know, the jokes that you remember for weeks or even months- these are the best 20 I could think of, accompanied by some good framegrabs to help you visualize! If you're in the mood for a good laugh, go see!

Quiz Contest

Test your knowledge of the Simpsons with one easy, one medium, and one hard question changed every other week. I even made cool awards for you to post on your webpage if you have one. They are definitely worth taking a crack at!


While you're here, might as well get some eyecandy! I got awesome pictures from the web to help you during those long hours that you can't see the Simpsons on tv. They're separated by category for your convenience.

Quotes of the Week

Every week I pick an episode and take the funny jokes out of it and post them for you to see! Sure, you could go to the Simpsons Archive and just read the script there, but I made it easier for you! I took out all the boring parts (if any) so you can go straight to the funny stuff!
This Weeks Quotes: Lemon of Troy


13 (my lucky number -just a quick note about myself in case you care... my 16th birthday this year will be on Friday the 13th!-) of what are my favorite sounds that I could find on the web. There may be more added later when I have time to look!

Songs in the Key of Springfield!

Have you bought your Simpsons Cd yet? I have, and you among many others may have noticed that they don't have the words to the songs! Well, I took the liberty of compiling a list of the songs for you! All songs and quotes and words on the cd are in order just for you!

Lists and Other Stuff

Miscellaneous stuff... you know, the stuff you can usually find on most Simpsons pages. I got lists- like Bart's Prank Calls, Homer's Mmms, Troy McClures jobs, and chalkboard intros- and links and webrings and past quotes from Quotes of the Week and more. Go take a look! (I wouldn't make something that wasn't worth seeing!)

My thoughts exactly, Maggie
my thoughts exactly.

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This is the cute little mouse I adopted :)

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Sign My Guestbook PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! :)

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E-mail me please!

Here's lookin at you Kid!

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