In the spring of 1992 Irfan van Ewijk, Duncan Stutterheim & Theo Lelie had
the idea to organize a big rave for schoolgraduates. The rave had to make an
impact in Holland and was based on the by then popular rave-formulas in
England. With the title 'The Final Exam' the rave took place on 20th of June
1992 in the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. 12.500 people came to the rave, for Dutch
standards absolutely unique! For some years now, The Final Exam rave has
been a reference for other big raves. ID&T made name and fame in the Dutch
music-scene. After the rave in June 1992 Theo Lelie left the organisation.
At the end of 1992 the ID&T's first Thunderdome CD was released. In 1993
this succes-formula was boosted by the co-operation with ARCADE. More than
1.000.000 albums have been sold. This year four more albums are planned, of
which the first one (Thunderdome VIII) has been avalable for quit a while
now. The newest Thunderdome XV is now available in every good record store.
ID&T's trademark, the mysterious wizard, can frequently be found on ID&T's
merchandise articles such as t-shirts, longsleeves and e.g. caps. Besides
the partnership with Arcade ID&T produces albums, video- and vinyl-recordings
independently, or in partnership with other labels. In the autumn of 1994
Irfan van Ewijk agreed with Duncan Stutterheim to leave ID&T.
ID&T's succes-formulas created an organisation with today companies in
Holland and Germany. A company in Belgium will be opened in 1995.
Tel: Office +31-(0)75 400 993
Tel: Warehouse +31-(0)75 400 641
Fax: +31-(0)75 289 624