The last two years there have been some people sighted at Gabber parties who are not true gabbers. They behave very aggressively, because they think they must be brave ("stoer"). They hardly talk friendly to other people, because this is not very cool according to them. They "argue" with coloured people about the black/white thing. These people (in fact most of them are just "kids") don't come to a party for the gabbermusic.

Although it is hard to give a profile of these fake gabbers, they have some characteristics by which you can recognize them. If a person looks/behaves likes this:

  1. most of them are very young, about 15 - 19 years old. Although sometimes they may be older.
  2. sometimes they were a red, white and blue flag on the right of their bomber jack. Again, not all people wearing this are automatically Zwabbers!!!
  3. when you accidently bump into them, they mostly take an aggressive attitude towards you.

Because of their behaviour, these people fuck up the relax atmosphere at the parties. If you are a true classic gabber, you will recognize these people. You should be very carefull by judging someone by only points 1 en 2. However, if you encounter behaviour like point 3, you can be almost certain that that person is a Zwabber. Best strategy is to ignore them or just reprimand them.

By the way, if you meet all of the above criteria, GET THE FUCK OF OUT MY HOMEPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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