Gillian Anderson is the second best looking actress for me,except.... Okay,there are a few more....Meg Ryan,Michelle Pfeiffer,Winona Ryder,Jane Seymor and so on.But Gilian Anderson has this sexy charisma and she uses it well,especially in the X-Files.I've soon become a fan of her and of the X-Files!
SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Her Real Name is Gillian Leigh Anderson.She was born in Chicago,Illinois,USA on the 9th of August 1968. She is Mother of a girl child,Piper Anderson.For her Work at the X-Files Anderson got the Golden Globe.
1.Hellcab(1997) 2.The Mighty(1997) as Loretta 3."Future Fantastic"(1996) as Host...TV SERIES 4."The X-Files"(1993) as Dana Scully...TV SERIES 5.The Turning(1992) as April Cavanaugh