Meet The
Angela Street
          Destine is Canadian born and bred.  She's about 6'0" and around 38(human)/19(Gargoyle) years old.  She's tan in color with black hair and gold eyes. She loves to draw and if she wasn't a gargoyle would be inrolled in an art school for sure.  Besides drawing, Destine loves to get on the internet when she can, which is not enough for her liking.

          Destine is situated in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, the little forgotten island
on the east coast.  Although there are not to many bad guys to stop in her sleeply little town, Destine finds things to do.  Some late nights she likes to glide up to Captain Cook's lookout and check out the view.

          Although there are no other gargoyles in Corner Brook that she knows of,
Destine is far from lonely. She regularly drops in on her human friend Maria and
spend many nights just sitting up talking with her. She has a feeling that Maria
is not quite human but just puts it to her wild imagination.

Visit Destine over at the 23rd  Precient.


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