Meet The
Kat Solano
          Orchydd (or-kid) has no memory of her past. Once in a while, she gets brief snatches of a bloody war or a light - filled haven but that's the extent of it. She has absolutely no recollection of a clan or a place of birth.
          One strange thing about Orchydd is that she hears voices that command her to get revenge on all wrongdoers.  She doesn't fall completely into stone-sleep until her vendetta has succeeded. Otherwise, she can "wake-up" and move around though she's not as agile or strong as a true gargoyle in the mornings.  It's hard to disobey the Voices; Orchydd has done it only once before meeting the Manhattan Clan and it nearly cost her her life and sanity (I know what you're all thinking: She's insane anyway).

          After her mission has succeeded (because she always succeeds).  Orchydd falls into a deep, true stone-sleep.  When she awakes, it's in a new place sometimes even at a different era.  Then the cycle starts over again.
          She was named after the flower, orchid, because of her bright colouring. Orchydd has sapphire blue skin slightly tinged with violet.  Her wings, however, are orange which is slightly darker on top. Her hair is also flaming red with a blonde
forelock. She's covered in spikes on her knees and elbows with smaller sprinklings on her shoulders and back. Orchydd's greatest advantage is her wide wing-span which allows her to fly with great speed and agility.

          All her known life, Orchydd has been alone.  She had thought she was the only gargoyle until she heard of the Manhattan Clan.  It was just too bad that the Voices told her that the Eyrie Building had to be destroyed.

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