The Longest Line

The Death of John Smith
I've got respect from the community
I've got my bridge game to look forward to
I've got this chance, a golden opportunity
As long as I keep doing what I'm supposed to

You see my wife and kids, they depend on me
To provide them with nothing but the best
I feel it's my duty, my obligation
to live up to the standards society suggusts

So I'll keep on working for their benefit
And I'll keep on drinking
I'll keep on believing in my life

Another year of slaving and smiling, buying and trading
Living the life of a wealthy man
But somehow I don't feel so rich inside
But that doesn't make sense
I just had a two week vacation
As soon as I get this operation
taken care of, I'll start enjoying
the good things in life

So I'll keep on working for the benefits
And I'll keep on drinking
I'll keep believing in my life

When the pity spins your mind,
Darkness fills your heart,
And I won't be around
When you're feeling all alone
Then you'll know it's time,
To go into the ground
When the pity spins your mind,
Darkness fills your heart,
And I won't be around

I've got my family, friends, and associates
To stand by me as the threshold comes near
Within their faces I see grave concern
As I ask myself if their thoughts are sincere

After all these years of being complacent
What do I get?  Tenderness, affection, a true sense of love?
No!  Just a pain through a body chalk full of regret

I'll keep on believing my life still has value
And I'll keep on laughing
Why can't I stop laughing?  I can't stop the laughing

The Longest Line
In the darkest tunnel it's nice to see a light
Not just a headlight
Like the one that's heading right for me
It would be nice if things could turn out right
Turn out right yeah
Don't think I'll ever see the day

I must have done something wrong
Or maybe pissed off god

I think of Chinese food when I think of life
That's sweet and sour
My life is sweet as saccharine
You know 3 week old milk and grapes are not
Not the same, No
I am the one Johnny Carcinogen

I must have fucked with some witch
In turn she cursed me, cursed my life

At the end of the longest line
That's where I will always be
If you need to find me, just go to
The end of the longest line

But officer that was a yellow light
The light was red, son
Insubordination, reckless driving
I must be wrong, this can't be right
I don't belong, this world is much to dangerous
For someone lacking luck, like me

At the end of the longest line
That's where I will always be
If you need to find me, just go to
The end of the longest line

At the end of the longest line
That's where I will always be
At the end of the longest line

She once told me not to listen
Find the answers, intuition
Follow no-one, trust your instincts
Face the world, find out it stinks

Don't come crying, Don't come crying
Don't come cry to me
I'm not your friend, I'm just your lover
Don't put your faith, Don't put your faith in me

You cut me up and rob me blind
But now I'm fine

She told me about the places I could never find
She told me how to walk while by her side
Don't be fooled by teardrops
They're worth a thousand lies
When I saw them running down her face
I believed in her

Stranded, Ah Ah
Stranded, Ah Ah

Hit me in the gut
like a brick through a window
Left me in the gutter like a wet news rag
Sitting alone, thinking out the times we never had
Cause you were my life

She told me if and whether
We'd spend the night together
She made so many promises
I believed in her

Wasting your life on the sidewalk
When you can be out on the street, dodging cars
As they go by, the wind goes right through you

Life on the edge of a razor
Never knowing when you're to fall
Sure as hell beats never gambling at all

Life's too short to just barely exist
Wide spread mediocracy
Will suck you up, resist
Another number on a list

I don't want it, you can have it
You can try, but you won't make me
Feel the things you feel
I'll take my chances, till I find a better deal
I'll take my chances, along with all the rest

The snail goes over the razor blade
The suicide squad of lemmings parade
To their kingdom, where they've made reservations

I have no reservation
I don't think my seat's been saved
I'll take my chances, here, right

Kill All the White Man
The white man call himself civilized
Cause he know how to take over
The white man come to pillage my village
Now he tell me I have to bend over

Oh yeah, kill all the white man

No I don't like the white man up in me
He rape my people as he rape my country
Everything I love and cherish, he try to take away
We will be rid of him, soon come the day

Oh yeah, kill all the white man
Oh yeah, kill all the white man
Oh yeah, kill all the white man
Oh yeah, kill all the white man

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