She started the interview asking the required questions about the series - why they thought it had become such a success and what the real villagers made of it all. Then, she could hold back no longer and told them to 'dish it'! Dervla became unusually reticent and passed the buck to Steve who proceeded to tell the story.
His exact words were: "I'd worked with Dervla the year before, on the radio and she's very beautiful, you see." At this point, Dervla blushed and looked fondly at Steve, before catching herself on and stating "God, he's so sick!
They then went through the story of their holiday and what Dervla thought about her ex (sad, spinelss git according to Steve) selling his *story* to the papers. Dervla is obviously upset by this and didn't really want to talk about it. They then went on to say that they are looking for a place in Ireland and had no immediate plans to marry.
Lastly, Gaby tried to pump them for information about what was going to happen in BallyK, but they refused to tell, saying that it would get very interesting!
On the whole, a great interview, one of the best in this country and very informative. Not just for quotes, but it was the first time that we had been able to see any interaction between them as a couple, rather than as characters which delighted soppy eejits such as myself!