Now, (name-dropping mode engaged!) those of us who know Dervla know that, although not adverse to talking the monkeys from the trees and possessing a much used sense of humour, an appearance at the mercy of Vic and Bob is about as out of character as you could get. So much so, that the episode mysteriously disappeared from the series of repeats that was recently shown (although Steve's episode remained!).
After an introduction - the like of which she has never had before nor since - Vic decided he wanted to dance with her. Sporting a very obvious blush, Dervla left her seat and reluctantly began to dance with him . . . until his trousers fell down around his ankles, causing Dervla to be forced to 'view his testicular area very early in the proceedings' (Bob's words)!
And so the show commenced. I couldn't help feeling that she was set up from the start. The light that chooses the contestants to perform an impression (which usually picks about 3 people) only landed on Dervla. Interestingly, the impression she chose was of a cat's bum (???) Nuff said!
The humiliation came to a climax in the final round. Her team having won, she was nominated to partake in the final round. This involved (ahem) her putting on a Ronald McDonald wig and crawling through a series of arches to rescue mice by catching them in her hair and shaking them into po's (the type your Gran keeps under the bed, not the Tellytubby!)
But, having said all that, Dervla was a great sport and joined in the festivities without fail despite looking slightly uncomfortable at some points. However, Steve had been on the show a couple of weeks before, and I can't shake the feeling that he had something to do with all this . . .