Siberian "Strike"

The Siberian "Strike" mission is a complex, Macross based, multi-part mission that can be played in one big sitting, or several small adventures spread out over days or weeks. It all depends on how elaborate you want to get, and how hard of a time you want to give your players. It's a challenging scenario, pitting the characters against Zentradi, E.B.S.I.S. and even their own forces!

Mission overview


Part 1: Insertion

Part 2: Base Siberia

Part 3: Conclusion

Game Master notes


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Robotech: The RPG is a product of Palladium Books. The context of this page is independant of Palladium Books and is strictly intended for personal use only.

*Robotech: Book eight "Strike Force" is a product of Wayne Breaux Jr. and Palladium Books.

© 1997