Robotech: The Role Playing Game

I started playing Palladiums' Robotech RPG long before I really knew what Robotech was about. Back in 1987 a freind of mine brought the book over, and playing as Rick Hunter I proceeded to shoot down 3 fanjets with a Super Veritech and disarmed 3 Zentradi soldiers. Not too shabby for my first time, but hey, I was only 11 at the time! Anyway, what follows are some of the adventures I've created and have been put on in the past. Use them in good health!

To see the adventure, click on the following titles:

Heroes Quest

Saturn Offensive

Siberian "Strike"

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Robotech: The RPG is a product of Palladium Books. The context of this page is independant of Palladium Books and is strictly intended for personal use only.

© 1997